Tree of Savior Forum

Druid "Transformation skill" bug: animation stuck when got hit

Character can’t walk and moving when in “transformation mode” and got hit.

Normal skill usage of cleric class also delay too when monster attack

The only way to moving is jumping,

All druid c3 got the same problem
e.g. s1lv3rw0lf from Druid thread
Oct 17
Monster Transforms STILL stuck you when hit, EXCEPT Lycanthropy. That “stuck” animation you saw there was the usual “Casting Stuck” bug.

Please correct this bug

Sorry for doubling topic, no idea it should be in game content or graphic bug

same problem >>>

Hello there @kuroisha, kindly send us a ticket via Support. Furthermore, please provide a video which demonstrates the problem so we can address the matter concerned as soon as possible. Thank you.

You can see it in this video.

With this bug, you MUST cast a skill or jump to unfreeze

First at 1:41, the player casts a skill (heal here) in order to un-freeze
Again at 1:45, the player casts another heal to unfreeze
and again at 1:46, where the player is forced to jump in order to unfreeze

It’s a ridiculously annoying thing to have happen to you over and over again, especially when you know it’s fixable, and has been here since the start of the game. Please fix my favorite class.