Tree of Savior Forum

Dragoon class memes

And yet a Murm just need to be a Murm.

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HAHAHAHA man these crack me up!

identity of new goon c3 class revealed!!


I found this old Dragoon meme of when everyone used to play it in TBL and IMC bugged dethrone and made its animation invisible.

Now, for something more relevant to the post:

EDIT: I realised I made a mistake here, it should be “not unranked”.

I actually like that this thread is convincing people to play a Dragoon :distinguished:


Yeah so they actually realize how bad the class is so they understand what the meme is all about.


Yeah that guy was trying to promote Dragoon Gae Bulg a lot on his youtube. He was saying he’ll prove that Gae Bulg debuff doesn’t split damage into two but he never made a video to prove it. Yet I saw him playing earlier today at the event board in klai.

Also a side note in case anyone argues about this, yes you still do more damage but it’s not something like x2 damage. Your damage gets split into two and there’s supposedly a minor boost before the damage is split.

I wasn’t able to personally find the minor boost but it does seem that the damage is indeed split into two when i tried.


Lmao inspired by your video, I slapped together a video of mine but damn that Glass Mole part killed me.


I’m bad with video edits, but when the dragoon master apologizes for the dragoons.

lUL Copyrightyed, only 1 guy manage to see it. I upload it on vimeo again


The blue potion popping up killed me there ahahah

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this ■■■■ is gold, cant upvote enough

I lost it at the buff part. HHAHAHAHA Well played.

Lmao this one was just as good but loldrg didn’t really have much of a purpose

So this is what happened. Before the nerf, dragoon skills were below average already but they had 1 good skill which was even a little OP called dethrone. After the combat rebalance, all his other skills didn’t get any buffs, while the one good skill they had called dethrone got nerfed to ■■■■ status like the rest of the skills. And that is how dragoon went from a top tier char to a rank 5 DPS char.

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dragoon was never really close to the power of old epee garde fencer or old dov doppel

Dragoon shines the most in pvp pre-combat rework because the base damage of level 5 dethrone was already pretty much people’s max hp. Fencer was the more common one for WBs because it didn’t need to build up dov stacks.

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