Tree of Savior Forum

[DPS] Wizard Help

Hi Saviors,

Well, don’t have any experience on playing tos though, but it seems like a wonder game to play …
May anyone kindly to help me to share any experience and opinion on making DPS wizard character ,job and skill ?
It kind of confusing considering this game have a unique class system …
How about Rune Caster and Warlock ?
R7 is kind of confusing …

Any help really appreciated guys …

Just type dps wiz in search function maybe?

Gonna have to with agree frould, look at each class from the wizard tree and look up each one. (Thats what I did anyway)

It’ll be the best way for you to learn. Sorry friend, happy research! :confounded:

Wiz 3 > Ele 3 > Warlock or Featherfoot is the most used DPS Wizzard combination.

There are A LOT of classes in the game, any arrangement is possible, it’s all up to your tastes.

mmm wizz 3 is not favorable… maybe wiz1 pyro2 ele 3 and warlock.

It is hard to say without more information. What are you looking for PVP, PVE, PVX? Do you want high burst or continous damage? Do you like summons or are you more into flashy spells? Would you rather to support though magic or do you want to be the higher DPS of your party?

Wiz3>Ele3>Warlock/Featherfoot is on the favorite builds right now, but not the only one. Would you mind to provide more specific information about what are you looking for?

for pvp the favorite build is wiz1 crio1 psyko2 and the other can be random there some video who put it sorce1 and necro2 and is very effective just i see how all run from the summons and when is over frenzy is finished

True DPS wizards need Wizard C3. After that, most will go Elementalist C3 for the heavily damaging skills. Warlock does more pure damage than Featherfoot, so most DPS wizards will choose that at Rank 7.

But there are MANY other routes where you can have strong DPS and also great support to increase the overall DPS of your party! What are you most interested in?

P.S. Runecaster is mostly used for greatly increasing the DPS of ice spells if being an ice mage is something that appeals to you.

@LirashMjorl Could you gimme you build suggestion for each PVP, PVE, PVX?
I hv made my mind i wanna go for w3>e3>not sure yet
personally i dont like summoning things and wanna be the highest dps in my party :laughing:
arigatou… :yum:

Wiz3-ele3 is basically a raw dps class with a small freeze support from Hail. Thats about it

@moises_andre12 w3>e3 here… but not sure what am i going to do in r7. can u gimme ur build suggestion? how bout rune caster? is there any advantage making one?

@NekoNyanpire hmm… but as i saw in many topics surespell and quickcast is really helpful… well but i dunno for sure… cuz i nerver have the chance to play in cbt :yum:

@williammomeara errmm why dont u max ur electrolute since u hv rain? In r7 does the invocation act like a wall? and does mastema do continuous damage?

Invocation is just a damage dealing skill that surrounds you, masterma hits once

@LittleTako thx 4 the explanation :grinning:
kinda sad after reading the announcement :cry:
Are u planning to build some dps wizard too?

Im sort of building a mix utility with decent dps
my current plan is to go wiz1-cryo1-linker2-sorc2-warlock or featherfoot(leaning more towards featherfoot for linked bloodbath)

Based on that information I am removing supports classes (Chronomancer, Thaumaturge, Alchemist) and summoning classes (Sorc, Necromancer). Linker is an exception since it add an important CC so you can make it work even with just 1 circle.

wiz3>Ele3 is the base, after that any of this classes will work: Linker for CC, Warlock for raw damage. Rune Caster is tricky, don’t take ISA (Ice Rune) it doesn’t work over ground skills so it is a waste, but Rune of Protection works really nice in pvp, Rune of Destruction and Rune of Justice add a nice damage. Don’t try Featherfoot since their skills are not working properly in pvp.

Wiz>Cryo2>Psyco2>Rune Caster>Warlock, Wiz>Cryo3>Psycho>Rune Caster>Warlock, wiz>Cryo2>Psyco>Linker>Warlock works great in pvp, personaly I think Cryo3>Psycho is a better path, but it is up to you. Your DPS won’t be great in pve, but it nos lame neither.

Wiz3>Ele3 it is a great base for pve, you can add warlock or featherfoot since featherfoot is great in pve (and I think it will be great in pvp if their skill works properly). Another variant is Wiz>Pyro2>Ele3> since you will have the combustion atribute that replicate 80% of any fire damage that kill mob (this damage is an AoE around the mob you killed), some people say that pyro damage is insignificant in high level, but I think is a nice DoT if you get the right equipment.

Wiz>Pyro2>Linker2>Warlock I don’t really this class, but it is really good to grind (actually this class was the first one to reach cap 280 is KrOBT) and add an important damage in bosses.

Wiz>Cryo2>Psyco>Chronomancer3 I know that I said that I won’t use Chronomancer since it is a support class, but using Chrono3 you will be able to use Ice Wall Combo twice per minute and that make this class a wonderfull DPS, besides you add a great boost of damage to your party (and look that costume, it is lovely :heart_eyes:). Itworks great for pvp and pve so I will take a look into it too.

I hope it helps you.

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