Tree of Savior Forum

DPS Wizard equipment

Hey !

I just got my Wizard (Wiz3/Ele3/FF3) at lvl315 with the help of the returning event, and now I’m think to gear correctly her.
So, I was just using the weapon given in the event, and the armor I found in HG and that has INT on it, but I’m not sure I can continue like that.

I heard that Masinios Staff is the endgame weapon for DPS Wiz, is it true ? If I find a good weapon lvl 315, is it worth to upgrade it (not sure how long it is to level up from 315 to 350) ?
And in term of damage, is it better to focus on a good weapon or on attributes ? (they’re so expensive for FF :confused:)

For cards, I heard about Chapparition cards, so that’s already on my todo list, is there any other good card or it depends too much on the build ?

And finally, how important is armor ? Like, if I just take the armor I find while farming exp (looking for INT), is it enough, or is it better to look for a specific set ?

That’s my first character to go over lvl200, and I would like to not mess things up with her, so thanks for your help :slight_smile:

The best weapon you can get at this point is a Pevordimas staff. It’ll be useful all the way until 350 when you can switch to the Raffye Staff. If you manage to get a Pevordimas staff, upgrade it as much as you can and want then save for a Primus Staff. Whether or not it has bad stats is moot. The point is that you’ve acquired a transition weapon on the way to being able to purchase better versions or Uniques, such as the Masinios Staff.

I’m not quite sure what its like on your server but where I come from (Telsiai), Masinios recipes are rather expensive–they go for 100m a piece. Note that this does not include components (of which Practonium would be the most expensive) and upgrade costs (such as enhancement, socketing, and gems). So, if you’re just starting put Masinios out of your mind and work on more accessible assets such as cards, pieces of armor and accessories.

For armor, Plate, I’ve observed, is the best all-purpose armor type for Wizards. I have both Cloth and Plate sets with INT > 30 on each and I use Plate more. That said, any Basticle (Plate), or Irellis (Cloth) of any grade will do. You can usually get nice armors on the cheap if you look hard enough. I was lucky to be able to build my armor set without having to spend above 200k to 400k since on Tels there is a massive oversupply of such pieces. Hopefully you may find a few yourself.

End-game armor sets either need 2 pieces of Practonium apiece (it would be demonstrative of my point if you could look up the price in your server’s Market) or a whole ton of goods from Earth Tower, which is a long term commitment. Just as with Masinios gear, treat these as long-term goals so you can use it as a source of motivation rather than a source of frustration.

I hope this helped.

Thanks a lot, that’s really helpful !
Effectively, I see people talking about Masinios staff on another thread, i had no idea it was so expensive :confused: It will be Pevordimas and Raffye then, and me hoping for some luck in drop :slight_smile:

May I ask why you find Plate better ? The last time I buy an armor, that was when there was still armor attributes to level up, so that’s a while : is it just because of the physical defense being better than magical one ?

I can’t look at the Market for now, but I will in a few hours, but I think you’re right, that’s just me that doesn’t know yet the cost of things ^^
So I suppose that end-game armor set will go with Masinios staff in my long term goal ! (I’m just a bit afraid of a level cap raise who invalidate that)

full int
full solmiki set
over 300kk invest on attributes
weapon solmik > Unique lvl>330 over +20, tracended 10

thats the endgame now.

Thanks for your answer, but if that’s all, I’m probably going to level up another character as I haven’t done ET/Solmiki once yet and I don’t know how my build will be received :confused:

Ok, Practonium is around 14 mil on my serveur and the masinios staff recipe is not even sell xD (or not on the market). So yeah, Pevordimas and Raffye will be my goal then :slight_smile:

As to your question about plate, it is simply something I noticed. The important endgame dungeons involve enemies with Physical attacks and I’ve survived more successfully with Plate than any other armor type.

For cloth, there are many good uses for it, but, as I’ve said, there aren’t as many as for Plate. The most notable dungeon where cloth shines is the 230dg. There are many enemies in that dungeon that deal powerful magic damage for their level so equipping cloth would be the best way to go about protecting yourself.

For leather, you don’t need it. It has the lowest amount of defense available out of any other type but it gives Accuracy and Crit Rate so it is more valuable to crit dependent classes such as Fencers. Since we Wizards don’t benefit from either, this point is moot.

A good way to go about gearing yourself is to buy two sets of armor: one set of Plate, another set of Cloth. I’m assuming you played the game some time in the past. Well, since then our Inventory capacity has been raised to 8000 meaning you can now carry two sets of gear without worry. Unless you’re using an addon, you’ll have to manual swap but believe me having two sets is worth it. Equipping the right set at the right time can turn difficult content into trivial ones.

I see, thanks a lot !
During my leveling, I was just using the armor I found with best attributes (mostly int/spr/con), but in the level 300+ map, I begin to take a lot of damage (happily, I have FF’s heal), so getting a better armor is going to be pretty important too :slight_smile: I will get both armor and see (especially with Levitate, I tend to take a lot of damage from Archer, which I suppose Plate armor can mitigate better) !

Btw, what are some good jewelry (bracelet and necklace) to get now ? I heard about Archmage Bangle, it’s only lvl 220 and it reduces sp recovery, which I’m really worried about :confused: Same for the necklace, I mostly heard about Max Petamion, which seems to give a bit of everything and is only lvl 220. Is there a viable option at higher level or are there still the best one available ?

Wizard Bracelet and Terralion at a minimum. However, given that Practo is 14m on your server, your availability for certain things might be… limited.

The SP Recovery loss from Archmage Bangle isn’t that significant unless you use Bonfire a lot.

Hum, did I miss something ? I look at both equipment, and neither need Practonium ?
Or is it just because the Market on my serveur is lacking ? (there is only one Masinios weapon for sale and no recipe, so I can believe it :confused:)

I only use bonfire when I try to solo missions (mercenary or saalus), as the main combo I use against boss drain almost all my sp, but I try to sit every 10s to regenerate faster (unless this doesn’t work anymore) and I was afraid for this regeneration, but after all, I already use so much sp potions that I’m not really sure it makes a real difference xD (maybe I should invest my last point in SPR against that)

No, they don’t require Practo. I was talking about your server’s economy in general, sorry.

Wizard Bracelet can be farmed at… HG 200, I think. Terralion is easier to craft than Max Peta and only has 1 stat less than Max Peta.

Yeah, my server’s economy seems not really good, and just that makes me hesitating to make a dedicating farmer to not depend on the Market :confused:

Nice, I’ll add them to my list them :slight_smile:

Max Petamion and Wizard Barcelets are the way to go, yes. In this game accessories are more of a luxury than a necessity. If you’ve noticed the stats on most of the ‘expensive but accessible’ accessories are somewhat trivial, while the truly expensive ones have price tags up in the stratosphere. For starters though you can’t go wrong with those two.

One thing you could do to improve your chances of getting a Petamion is to run the 120dg whenever you feel no need to progress or can have a low level alt run it for you. You will either get a recipe or a fully crafted necklace, although I will warn you that the chances are pretty low. You can purchase one too if you have the money, but judging from your statement about your server’s economy that will likely be some time into the future.

As for SP recovery, don’t think too much of it. Think of it as good if you have lots but expendable if you don’t. Potions will always be the best way to supply your character with SP. Where I come from, pots are decently priced (§750 a bottle). Be sure to distinguish between lvl 15 Condensed Pots and Elixirs. The latter are the more expensive type but heal a percentage of your SP so they end up being better for units with large SP pools (such as Wizards). You can buy a couple or you can stockpile it whenever its cheap. Usually I try to stockpile 300 pots per type in my team storage (HP and SP Condensed Pots, mind–currently elixirs are too expensive in my server for that) while my characters carry around 50 when they can, replacing the amount when their personal stocks drop below 10.

That’s pretty interesting to know, the stats seems not that high, but I heard a lot about them, so I didn’t really what to think about :confused:
On my server, Petamion and Max Petamion are definitely too expensive for me, but the recipe for Terrallion is at 450000, so I suppose it can be worth it to buy and farm the materials !
I will also look to farm for the Wiizard bracelet, it’s too expensive for me too (and I’m pretty sure I already use one for collection :confused: )

Oh, I didn’t even know that Elixir existed ! But well, according to their prices, I’ll still use SP pots :slight_smile: And when I farm, I really use them a lot, but well, I’m suppose to gain some silver too !