Tree of Savior Forum

DPS Sage viability

Hey guys

I was thinking of building a dps sage and the builds that popped up most were:

  1. W3-Ele3-RC-Sage
  2. W1-Cryo3-Sorc3-Sage
    Not very much common, but i’ll add it anyway
  3. W1-Cryo3-Sorc2-Necro1-Sage

I would love to hear your comparisons and/or add any other dps mage build besides elememe that you guys are cooking up!

since the preview showed us a really long cast-time nuke spell for sage c2, I think the first build makes the most sense in the long run

EDIT: random idea, if FF bone pointing can be duplicated with microdimension that might be fun too for an r7 filler class instead of RC

I have a Wz1 - Pyro3 - Kino3 - Sage
Not exactly a DPS character, but it does have a lot of CC to make up for that. Thus, it is funny to play somehow.