Tree of Savior Forum

DPS Cleric: Physical or Magic?

Hi, I’m planning to build another cleric(I already got a support cleric) but as a DPS class. I know DPS clerics cannot be compared to top tier meta builds from wizard and swordsman but having another source of Heal while doing decent damage is quite a good thing specially on group contents.

So…Should I go Magic or Physical? I’m not sure which is better on damage but i got builds in my mind for both

Inquisitor - Zealot - Paladin (paladin for unli source of SP, and quite tanky)
Inquisitor - Zealot - Druid (druid for wolf self buffs and healing grass)
Inquisitor - Paladin - Druid (more utility but lower damage compare to other 2 above)
not interested on Monk and Chaplains coz its kinda weak - monk is fun tho

Crusader - Exorcist - Druid (META but as far as possible, I want to avoid meta builds lol)
Crusader - Exorcist - Paladin(again paladin for unli SP and tankiness, can be converted to magic class)
Crusader - Exorcist - Sadhu (sadhu is sadddd but has the highest Int stat in cleric - just for the stats)
Crusader - Exorcist - X (coz Crusader and Exo are the best in DPS for magic clerics)

Im not sure which is better between Magic and Physical clerics but I might probably choose the build with paladin for both(SP and HP is life)

Magic DPS Cleric, no doubt about that.


Magical. They have better DPS, better survivability, better party support.
There’s pretty much no reason to play physical clerics over magicals, unless you like the class aesthetically.


It’s great that Clerics are the only legit hybrid class, I also have a slight preference for magic, mainly because of the buffs.

Exo-Druid-Crusader has the lowest DPS at the moment compare to Miko and Sadhu version. However, it easy to use, and you can semi-support the party with grass. You can also use Koinonia + Grass for Storm Ark synergy, it’s super fun xD

Super tanky for both Aggro + DPS/Self heal. I used this build a while ago to carry new players in CM, stage 3+ barrie spams, and Legend Glacia easy mode. Super fun at the same time!

Sadhu has the highest DPS at the moment with Ataka + Punishment Ark. Even before Punishment Ark introduced, Sadhu still out DPS miko. I think it’s really goes down to using Sadhu’s combos. I didn’t like it at first either, but I outperformed Miko after getting used to Sadhu.

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Interesting post. So the way to go for dps cleric is basically Crusader and Exorcist, and then you add a third support or dps class of your liking?

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For magic dps cleric. Yes, that’s correct.