Tree of Savior Forum

DPS AOE Mage Build Help

Honestly trying to make a dps mage build gives me a headache.
All the mage dps classes feel awkward as if they are playing with a handicap. The class with the worst case is pyro. The devs are putting out crippling nerfs on mages. We’re talking about

  1. Pyro’s flame pillar nerf
  2. Linker’s nerf
  3. Sorc skill move to next circle
  4. Useless skills
  5. Long CD

Why? i effen dont know. They are too scared to put dps on the class (out of the 4) that should do the most dps because it might be too “op”. What do they do instead? They focus and buff Warlock skill instead of the basic staple classes. and yet they left warlock 2min cd pole of agony alone. What are they thinking?
Pyros should have higher dps on standstill targets than warrior, cleric or archer but it is being out dps by all of them.

If we talk about wiz out of 5 skills, 2 are useless end game- energy bolt and lethargy.
For Pyro3 out of 7 skills only 3 skills fireball, flame ground fire pillar is good. Fireball can be hit by players and flame pillar has a stupid 2 min CD
For Cyro out of 8 skills 6 can be used well, tbh i havent played cyro3 so idk much.
Why does cyro have 1 more skill than pyro? How is this balanced? idk
From what i heard psycho got a buff on their main skill, but and maybe 4/7 skills are worth using. Yet pyro’s 3rd circle ability hells breath is total trash and wasnt even buffed when psycho’s buff went up.

Hey maybe i should just play wiz3 elem3 like the other people…
Elem 3 requires a wiz3 which is frustrating to lvl but also frustrating how wiz3 elem 3 build is set in stone in a game which promotes flexibility, Who wants a wiz 2 without quick cast buff? Who wants an elem 2 without frost cloud?

As a pyro/sorc main and someone who wants to play pyro, I just dont see pyro’s doing well iOBT. As fireball is pyro3 best and only good skill, to have it still kickable is the biggest nerf in this entire effen game.
I’m telling you
There’s going to be tons of wiz3 elem 3 warlock1 players that can out-dps the single class that should do the most dps, pyros.
What pyro needs is a massive skill rework; its already behind and will fall harder behind after more classes are introduced. It already useless in pvp.
Wiz3Elem3WL1 build is already stronger and more stable than anything pyro can be paired with and will grow stronger once more skills are introduced, It also uses the first wizard slot that is completely useless for pyro. The only weakness of Wiz3Elem3 is long CD, but later with more classes and skills CD wont matter anymore, even with 2 minutes CD on skills.

Anyway im rambling, but thats the only way i can express the info because there is so much.
Can anyone suggest a Pyro build that is dps focused and not one of these builds:

Wiz>Pyro3> Sorc3


I have played iCBT with pyro3 and it was a breeze since the only content was quest bosses, mob grinding, dungeons, and world bosses. After pvp, GvG, and more end game content comes pyro is going to be as useless as putting a bomb in front of an enemy and expecting them to step on it.

The worst problem now is that archers are so overpowered that dps wizards just feel stupid to play. I don’t get why fireballs are still kickable by other ppl - fireballs are not even strong compared to many skills with low or no cd that archers have. And fireballs are ground spells which makes them even harder to use.

Wiz3 - okay you will have 3 usable skills as ele3, all with 30 sec cd (!!!), and only electrocute can be used for moving mobs (not bosses!!!), all the rest is stationary and requires mobs to be grouped and standing still. Meteor has a terribel cd and is good for pvp mainly (fireball lvl 10 is comparable to it and has a 15 sec cd)

Magic missile? Fireball is better, flameground is better.

It means that you can only hope to be stronger than pyro with quick cast ‘some day’’ when more ranks are out. When? Next year?

It will be really frustrating to play an ele3. I don’t even understand why ppl say that ele3 is good in earth tower when archers can explode the whole screen and do over 99k damage with some skills.

Wait for iTos: 90% will be archers,the rest will be clerics, tanks and support mages. You can see it already, just look at the forums.

i know that archers and even some warriors and even a krivis druid? have better dps than wiz3ele3 where frost cloud is their only saving grace. im just talking about within wizards classes. even within wizard classes pyros are dying.

sure wiz3 sucks, but once they stack elem3 it already overpowers pyros.
the rank is at 7, it doesnt end rank 4 at wiz3. the meta right now for wiz is wiz3 elem3
the stupid thing is someone else posted that fireball can hit only 2 targets now.
pyro is even more useless than cyro3. rip pyro.

Yeah, sad but its true.
In ktos, most pyros are just filler for other builds, they don’t have huge impact to endgame like wiz/cryo.

For dps -> go wiz 3
For cc, utilities -> go cryo 3

And both work great in pvp.

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That said… if it remains like this Pryo may see buffs later to give it a role again.

There has been a few Ele nerfs recently in patches. I would keep an eye on things to see if Pryo gets a stronger position do the line. They will need something big at some point or they will continue to fall further behind as we move into post Lv280 content. Quickcast’s attribute is just too awesome at scaling into the late game.

And so far IMC has been doing a decent job at rebalancing so I think it will be addressed eventually.

Hmm ? I never see any ele nerf at all, only buffs so far (more like they rarely get touched), the only change recently is prominence which wander at smaller range now.

Aye, I was typing that…

Right now Wiz/Ele are the king of Earth Tower which is our only end game content. And when you’re balancing your game the first thing you do is take a look at weakest and strongest and go from there.

And we all know Pryo doesn’t have a strong role right now. They’re ton of fun early game but I think we’ill see players and development start looking at earlier classes as foundations for later classes. And if Pryo still can’t be that foundation they continue to fall out of favor. Eventually you’ill get a vocal community that want to see Pryo improved and it’ill get addressed.

The OP is an example of this process in action. We are all part of the wheel we just need to keep complaining… *cough * I mean… giving feedback…

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