Tree of Savior Forum

Doubt - Critical Rate

I have a question about the status Critical Rate to each 1 it equals 1% of critical, if not, what would be required for quan Critical Rate to achieve 95% of critical?

Thank you in advance and sorry for bad English.

1 point in critical rate does not equal 1% critical chance, that would be ridiculously overpowered. It depends among other things on the enemies critical resistance. You can read a pretty indepth formula discussion over here: Critical Rate Formula Discussion

Thank you for showing me the way, I will read now!

What I find odd/intressting is that the critical chance seem to depend on what class you play.

Assuming the discussed formula is correct, you would need about 222 crit rate in order to achieve 95% crit chance against an enemy with 0 crit resist; if you are a quarrel shooter. And for each point of crit resist you would need 1 more point of crit rate to keep the same crit chance.