Tree of Savior Forum

Double weapon assault (DWA)

Dear IMC,

Would it be possible to finally make DWA work by holding both action buttons down instead of mashing them one after the other, or at least give us the option to, or preferably change it into an automatic auto attack or stance like many other classes have?

This has been a complaint for over 2 years by the community and never been fixed. It’s very uncomfortable and counter-intuitive to every other auto-attack class and skill in this game. It’s also not fun at all

Thank you!


Updating the damage should be a priority too, 80% is a joke, enchanter can hold one button with 300% multiplier and a proc +20% damage (I forgot the exact numbers) .
Enchanter auto attack for example is almost 5 times stronger.

Yes. Please.

It’s also slow. Not what the tooltip promises, which is double speed AA.

Hello lastea!

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We will take this as a feedback from you and forward to the proper department for review. If you have other suggestions, please do share it here.


Someone at IMC, please pick up the phone or open a new email and explain to your colleagues in Korea that double weapon assault (DWA) is still a mess to use. There is still no fun or challenge in mashing two different buttons one after the other to use DWA. Please make it so that we can use DWA while holding both attack buttons down at the same, or preferably change it into an automatic auto attack or stance.

DWA is still unchanged on ktest with rebuild. This is why I’m bumping this topic


It would be easier if its automatic in auto attack. Just one button is enough. And Yes I agree with you!!!


DWA went through so many changes in the meantime (Max level 1) (SFR Change to 500%), yet the most important aspect to change it into an automatic auto attack or stance is still missing.

I’m still gonna fight for this change and refuse to put even 1 skill point into it until it’s changed. :prince:

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this is a resurrection thread that i support.
+1 for this.
gonna take out my dwa character from the closet since with this new changes he will at least be able to do some cm and i like to play dual wield as attacking with both weapons. hahah.
please check this please please.
make it a stance for example if possible, or add a inside loop similar as we have with auto attack in inside the sword+dagger animation once we use dwa please.

For me, it is good to spam two button. I think its not fun if you make DWA as stance mode.

How ever I would like to ask for make ART in DWA that can ignore def or make more bonus damage again boss type.

No, it’s not fun. It’s an awful mechanic in a game that isn’t designed for it. If it made you swing both weapons at the same time it would at least be better.

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Can I just ask what does DWA 500% additional damage increase anyway? Does it increase your damage when you chain main weap and sub weap?