Tree of Savior Forum

Doppel c3 videos

Yes, it’s good for a High C3. You aren’t playing?

I saw some people asking about VS damage, so, here is.

About Cartar Stroke, it’s a CS lvl 5. It’s worth for me.

my Highlander 3 still low level xD
i have other classes but not high3>barb1

yo is that Doppel build from Highlander 3 ?


/20characters ^^

Honestly Doppel C3 is pretty lackluster compared to the other swordies.
The KR doppel players are pretty upset at how weak the class has turned out to be when compared to Fencer C3 and Dragoon C2.

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i’m waiting for ppl test it more, but i saw some angry stuff in kTOS forum (what i could understand with google translate xD)
lets see what happens next, if it turn out to be shty ill just quit the game again lol

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Patches come and go… balance changes are inevitable. Just play what makes you happy. Don’t quit the game because the class you like is underpowered. Quit the game because the class you like doesn’t bring you fun anymore.

P.S.: if you quit, I’m accepting donations. Fossilized Lizard Ambers (or Venier) in particular :blush:


i quit some months ago and i came back some days ago (when i saw that swordsman would not suck anymore with R8)

leveling another dopp, now high3>barb1 going high STR build and i want this to be definitive, cus i alredy rerolled 3 high level chars

sry but i can’t donate stuff =/ one day i might play again (if i leave xD)

but yeah, play what u like. see all those dragoons that used to suck, now they are the best dps LOOOOL
thing is that doppel doesn’t have c4 and if they fcked up c3, its a problem

I was just kidding. I’m also done rerolling. I’m leveling a corsairgoon and a fencer. I hope one of them turns out to be nice otherwise I’ll stop playing because I can’t start a new char from scratch after playing 966 hrs in a couple of months. A class reset potion should be sold at a very high TP cost. I’d rather pay like 500 TP to reset one char than rerolling once again.

they could sell it like 999 TP. and ppl would still buy it xD

i think they should allow u to use it ONCE per character. this way u can’t reroll all again. and they could even make ur class level back to 1 at rank 1 so u need to level all again (being high level should not take so long)

this way u keep ur char, ur gear, ur stuff and ur “normal” level and only have to grind the class level

EDIT: just had an idea, duuuude, if they apply all the restrictions i said (once per char, rank 1 with class lvl 1) and theres a vendor ingame that sells the reset potion for 10 Tokens, this would make free players be able to reset their ranks, token prices would go up, ppl would buy token to sell cus they worth more, eveybody wins =)
and RMT LOSE!!

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IMC why you create swordman is good pvp ? i like swordman for pvp i hate magic class **** is not balance in class plz make to good pvp (sw3 hi2 dop3)
- plz create skill very long /far hitbox plz for fight other class … please i love class swordman

( knight follow concept 2 handsword can riding pet)

  • one hand sword+ shield
  • use riding pet
  • and only skill class
  • +MHP % /recovery /sec
  • skill dash charge enermy
  • skill dmg calculator * MHP
  • block magic atk /hit
  • refect phy/m atk
    Rank 9 name ?

what i’ve know is doppel buff a little…

yep redel/zucken/zornhau used to add 10 secs cooldown with new atributes, now its 0 secs
but she didnt test zornhau atribute =/ i’m still not sure whats the efect

awesome, maybe i’ll go Doppel C3…hope rank 9 is 2h sword too…:sunglasses:

well, they have highlander and doppel, that are 6 2h sword ranks (doppel more 2h sword than highlander tho)
if they don’t have 2h sword in R9 ppl will riot lol
or they will give us some CC or anti-magic…


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hehe, hope they have class like that, then that will be awesome…
Doppel then MiHawk = OP

well, i have really high hopes on that.
dragoon alredy got a ranged skill now 2h swords need it too o.O

line two hand sword ///
Lacking of long-range attack [2 overheat] very good for 3 overheat … add skill this is good for fighting line magic type/ acher type

  • add debuff atk - decease matk enermy

compare sword /magic class
[sw] ----------
1. atk phy calculator dex enermy and con [block]
2. atk skill very melee atk
3. cc. restain stun [remove buf for booldleting profency]
hook [can cancle when died or taking Frost Pillar / Magnetic Force / / Telekinesis]
4. when swordman up full con hp 50k/60k but low dmg / can t doged
5. skill use but not effect
6. i said other That is not pelt/ROD

[magic] ----------
1. atk Magic attacks by 100 %
Ignore the dodge / con
2. matk long -range
3. cc. Telekinesis cant detect for booldleting profency
Magnetic Force cant detect for booldleting profency
Subzero Shield > Frezze when taking phy chance Frezz very
Frost Pillar = blackhole
sleep - debuff lv15 sleep deduff 17 sec
Raise cd 50 sec debuff 10 sec detect for booldleting profency but detect [couter spell cd 1min 30 sec Which more than ]
4. when magic up full con dmg high
although less than full int
5. other
- skill use but not effect
compare sword / acher
[ sw ] ----- full dex vs [ acher ] ---- full dex

  • died - ez kill
  • don have vition hide/clocking - hiding lockon
  •                                                                    - headshot one kill
  • when skill melee atk - can jump for out hitbox
  • crossguard can block skill range but Stay still - he skillCoursing[hunter]
    for cancle crossguard

Excluding … user program zoom in/out sw class/ magic /cleric /acher his can use skill the trap
It was a very unfavorable Compared attack range
sw vs cleric

  • cleric full con build/con 150 /int any
    cle 2 > priest 3 > oracle1 > Kabalisk
    cle 2> div>3 > oracle >kabalisk
    cle 3> paladin 3 >kabalisk
    cle 2> borkor 3 >oracle >pd
    cle 2>monk3 >priest>pd/Kaba
    win any class sw
    because heal 1 hit 8000+ [ hp 100k] and have refect dmg
    -borkor lockon skill [Effigy+hexing] final Mackangdal [immortal 15sec ] +pd heal factor chance high cleric win
    div>3 >kabalisk Statue of Goddess Ausrine [Dievdirbys] [imortal team 15 sec ] swordman can t make dmg in pvp and kabalisk [7 seven revege] ez kill swordman- -"

Actually, I’m supposed to remove the debuff duration reduced short or remove buff immortal for pvp system.

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