Tree of Savior Forum

Don't reset accounts after beta test

You should have used your brain before asking for something so 12yo child.

Not everyone is boot licker with no life. If you donā€™t have something useful to say you might want to STFU and donā€™t comment.

What about to test the economy? If everyone starts at the same place, people will QQ everytime price nerfs/buffs happen(refine/recipe/item nerfs that happened few days ago). If that happened from the get go,everyone would have to accept it and play accordingly(focus more in party play instead of soloing with 1000 pots bc you money is actually scarce)

ā€¦it is shame that you got the beta keyā€¦


People be thinking they already playing the game as it was release lmao

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Asking for them to keep the progress is non-sense.

Allowing us to keep our team names would be pretty sweet, though. ā€˜-ā€™

Itā€™s a beta. A full wipe is what you signed up for.

You should remember it is a Beta testā€¦ you must play to test the game, give oppinion and build a better gameā€¦
It is not time to grid to be end game character.
You could test another classes
I desire a reset xD

canā€™t believe iā€™m reading this ā€¦

Me and you both, lol. People keep forgetting what the purpose of a beta testing is.