Tree of Savior Forum

Donne's Wanted List - Feedback and suggestion

Good evening,

I have an idea for enhancing the game further - the top 10% of players are going to hate it - the lower tier players are not going to understand it.

The lv6 cubes from this event are actually quite nice.

There need to be more ways to acquire 315 recipes and higher end crafting materials - don’t get me wrong, these items absolutely should be rare, expensive, and time consuming to construct - otherwise where is the sense of accomplishment.

I don’t think it would be unreasonable to add a daily quest to the game as an alternative way to roll for a chance on these items.

I highly suggest considering keeping this event, at least in part, as a permanent part of the game. Making it limited to once every day or two would even be enough.

I legitimately think that this would improve the game’s economy and player’s drive to participate in daily quests.

Let’s be honest - Klepedia server has a low population and broken economy. There was an Emengard shield from the cube that went up on the market for 90 million silver - and sold - this is absolutely ridiculous and a pretty obvious sign that the current system is broken.

As it stands - the way I see it - you guys are forcing people to make AFK necros or thauma-pyro-linkers for any chance of conceivably ever getting these items - unless you RMT - which the current systems seem to directly encourage.

Please consider integrating this system into the game perminantly in one form or another.

It’d be yet another band-aid on a gaping chainsaw wound, but will make the game more accessible. Which, if you guys didn’t notice - matters to a western audience.

I appreciate your time and consideration regarding this matter.

prepares to get flamed by no-lifers