Tree of Savior Forum

Donnes Badge Feedback

After the new player event has clearly contributed to a rise in populations. What was the logic/decision making behind this event?

Was it to teach those new players the location of the Merc Post? Couldn’t you have run something quick/easy to do that?

A daily event that takes some class builds a couple of hours to complete strikes me as a daily that a lot of people will not bother doing at all, which is really bad as an event since they’re supposed to be a tool to get people into the game each day. No?

After see the costumes you get from this event you don’t care anymore anyway.

They changed how the NPC works.

So this event is for older and new players.

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Do you have pictures of the costumes? I can’t find them anywhere.

Have fun collecting the quest mats if you’re 300+. XD I just skipped doing those quests on my 2 300+ chars. The lower the level of your chars, the easier it is to complete.

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Here they are~

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Thank you very much ^^

this new event is a event that is meant to question the new players “is it time to quit now?”

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IMC likes to welcome new players with a great event, then make them quit with a follow up bad event.

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yea, i logged on on my 295 Mergen to do it… asked me to go to Kule Park…
I was like, cool, lets go…
Walked there. died 20 times got 1 item out of 3, closed the game and that was it for the day

If it works like it used to in many cases at least for low levels you could get a lot of them instantly done by already having the materials. (Not to mention that materials dropped by a lower level version of the monster were accepted.)

You can also give those badges to other chars via team storage.

Anyways, the design of the event is quite lazy and boring, most likely made to give those costumes as rewards.
Then again I don’t see any real issues with it. A generic event for ToS, not a good one but doable.

Used to do Donnes’ quests when the game was first out bc I hated grinding, but they get progressively worse the higher level you go haha…

2/4 of my characters can’t really do it because of their builds. (if anyone in the 280 range is willing to help a linkchrono out, I’ll help you too HAHA)

This. Be smart guys. You even can make a lvl 100 alt in a couple of hours and use this one to collect badges

Can confirm, really good when you are level 100, great xp and easy quests (items/mobs) if you already have them on main char…

After 200 it’s just a joke, I don’t see how it could be possible for a developer to implement that, test it and think it was alright… xD

Come on look at your own game, you win 3 level 12 xp card for just exploring a map, and then you ask us to gives 5 dpk item with great value for just 1 level 10 xp card ? What’s the intellectual approach behind that ?

However the event idea and rewards are good, so cheers for that.