Tree of Savior Forum

Does psychokino is trash now?

does psychokino is trash now?

Not really trash. Just think of psychokino as for pve. :v

pve not strong as elementalist , got too much nerf now become trash

All it’s skills got buffs, only Gravity Pole got nerfed.

If you are one of those Kino’s that can only use GP then you’re fuc*ed.

Cryo 3 was just invincible against any hits because of absurd reflection plus absurd freezing chance, that’s the main reason why you could go full CON. Now it only affects meelee characters which is nice since Sman is getting some buffs.

Teleportation 15 + Frost Pillar is pretty good on PvP if you use it correctly.

Compare it to League of Legends, think about how many pro-players rely on Flash, that’s Teleportation for you, obviously not as easy to use as in LOL but nothing in this game is.

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Gpole CC is never coming back. For good reason. It was the end all be all skill, but Psychokino does have other good abilities. I’ll be the first to agree that the dmg nerf on it makes no sense though. It would be really nice if the dmg wasn’t nerfed just because the class doesn’t have a lot of good dmg abilities and Gpole would be a great skill for dmg in a rotation that is otherwise kind of small.

However, Psycho is still good in PvP as a class overall. Magnetic Earth is your new long range snare. It kind of blows in PvE, but in PvP, do not underestimate it. It goes through CC immunity and gives you a window to combo into another ability.

What I’d take away from that, is you probably want some way to do dmg combined with your psycho abilities. Cyro Psycho is really stuck being pure support with Gpole being so severely crippled. But, other psycho builds are much more competitive since you don’t need to rely on pug cooperation to get kills as much. Combing psycho with Sorc or Necro or warlock are great ways to combo your CC with strong dmg abilities.

So, it certainly has a place in PvP. I do agree 100% that the dmg nerf on GPole should come off though as I think it’s fair for Pyscho 3 to offer 2 useable skills in the PvP scene, even if only 1 offers CC. It’s fair for Psycho 3 investment to give another means of dealing dmg. While there are other classes with more pressing matters since the class is good regardless in PvP, that doesn’t really matter at all as it would take seconds to simply remove a nerf to its dmg.

While Raise is a good ability, don’t be afraid to pick up just psycho 2 in a build meant for pvp. Pyschic Pressure stunlock may be situational, but it’s a good tool to have, but more importantly, magnetic earth will help you a great deal in landing your big skills. So, yus, hope dat helps.


I have sorc and ele wizards. I like em both and always wanted to try psycho wizard except I heard they got a massive nerf last month. Either way I want to make a new psycho wizard. I was gonna go cryo3/psycho3 but then lots of people are doing wiz3/psycho3 as well. What are the advantages and disadvantages of wiz3 vs cryo3? I always wanted to try the ice wall punching thing but if that’s the only reason you got cryo 3 then I don’t want to go cryo 3 route. BTW I don’t really care about pvp. My cryo3 sorc seems to do well in pvp.

PP stunlock is no longer situational for those who rely mostly on GP for pvps.

It’s either you do:
Magnetic Force>PP
Magnetic Force>Raise>PP
Magnetic Force>Sleep>PP

Unless, you have other damage dealing skills like PoA.

Raise is broken as hell…if somebody says kino sux after nerf is stupid…gravity pole is indeed the most useless skill now…but you have raise+pp+magnet force…and ice wall even with the 50% dmg reduce still destory people LOL…i am a full con cyro3/kino3…ice wall is very situanal thou…sometimes its good to ice wall and block…but i feel its way better to just set it up as a burst turrent lol…pp+icewall still kills everything…my normal strategy is ice tree or mag force…run in raise…ice walll the raise than PP everything :wink: and btw gravity pole still do dmg if you have a priest that has blessing…same goes with the shards…it hits for like 200…but with a blessing its over 500+…you still destroy people with ice wall+pp…