Tree of Savior Forum

Does Pass Work on the Caster?

Was this nerf ever applied:

Chronomancer’s Pass skill’s cooldown reduction rate has increased and it’s effects cannot be self-applied.

Found from here:

It simply means that [Pass] cannot decrease the cooldown of the skill itself ( Pass). If you are familiar with the mechanics of Cleric’s [Divine Might] it functions similar to that, where it isn’t affected by what the skill actually does.

It does apply.


We have yet to recieve any such nerf. Pass does reduce your own cooldowns. Perhaps that was in reference to the cooldown on Pass, which can only be effected by another player casting Pass on you.

“can not be self-applied” could be interpreted in various ways. Examples:

  1. “Pass skill’s cooldown triggered before the effect was activated, resulting in Pass also having 25 seconds less cooldown. This was fixed. The effect is now activated before the Pass skill goes on cooldown, resuling in -25 sec cd for all skills except Pass”
  2. “Pass does not reduce any cooldowns of the caster at all”

It’d be pretty stupid and disappointing if pass did not reduce cooldowns of the Chrono caster him-/herself.

Alright, thank you for clarifying that.

what would happen if there is 5 chronomancer in one party? no cd party?

Just 3, actually :wink:

3 chronos makes 2 passes work on each of the chronos, so the 50 seconds cooldown already goes to 0.

That’s 60% of your party already so that might not really be a good idea. (maybe if not all of them were cryo 3 it could work out)

thats mean, another 2 we can have high dmg mage class. such as warlock, necromancer, elementalist, runecaster right? that would be OP.

They will have to nerf this once r8 comes in. Right now it’s not SO bad because you have to sacrifice r5-7 to get Pass lol

It takes excellent teamwork for it to be practical, since you waste sp when Pass doesn’t reach 100% of the party. But yeah it’ll be interesting to see how dps chrono plays out with future ranks.