I’ve been really bored recently and I just looked up stats on the forums badges, amount of users, how many are active etc. and I just realized but… how the heck do we have 34.4K overall users with 3.5K active during the past 7 days (from today) and only have 622 people who have read it? … This worries me for some odd reason
Is it that it’s hard to find the guidelines since it’s actually hiding in the middle button on the top right saying “FAQ” instead of guidelines? When I actually logged in for the first time, I had to actually search for the guidelines as well as the Terms of Service by googling it and looking at the badge (lol badge hunting at the beginning of the forum) description for the link because it’s so hidden.
Anyone else have these worries that the ToS and the Forum Guidelines aren’t easily available? (Game ToS is easy to find. It’s at the bottom of the screen saying “Terms of Service”)