Tree of Savior Forum

Does loot chance affect Challenge mode drops?

I am a new player and wondering if it’s worth the Thauma class for the swell brain loot chance bonus for a farmer. Farming only challenge mode for dust/enchants/silver/planium.

Looting Chance does affect Challenge Mode.

they say looting chance affects the drops for primus gears.
silver drop is fixed depending on how many members in party.
doing it solo stage5 gives you about 800k silver.

When are you suppose yes Swell Brain at the end of you last stage before killing the boss or it should be on CD during att your CM stages?

correction: they only increase the QUANTITY, not the QUALITY of the dropped unID item. You could have 9999 loot chance and all dropped item still are berthas too. It doesnt guarantee you get primus

@KeroNoches use it at the very start of CM stage 1

hahaah thats what i said :smiley:

Before entering the portal?

it is the same, as long as you use swell brain before kill the first monster of CM, for maximum effect

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Thanks all, I wasn’t sure if swell brain was working but seems it must be ! Must be my luck :sob:

Bumping this

are the info in this thread still updated? Swellbrain loot needs to be casted ONLY - before killing the 1st CM monster?

Then does this mean we can change to [Arts] Swellbrain - Physical after killing the first mob?

not true. It should on before killing every mobs.

i didnt read anyone here mentioned about " need to be casted ONLY"
swell brain is long duration buff, one time usage before enter/stg 1 is enough
you can use swell brain phy anytime you want but it will overwrite the loot swell brain

Loot chance in CM affect only quantity of: gears and nucle/sierra powder (all loot buffs except swell brain because affect only gear drop chance (quantity)).

Thank you all for the response. :slight_smile: