Tree of Savior Forum

Does leveling reincarnate do anything?

I heard it doesn’t do anything besides increase the duration, which is stupid as hell, just cast it when the mob is low.
Is there any secret mechanic with it or is it straight up a dumb skill that only needs 1 skill point?

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Its a noob trap :slight_smile:

It only increase the duration.

It seemingly only needs 1 skill point for max effectiveness/hit rate.
Higher levels seemingly only increases the duration, so its pretty worthless to increase it past level 1.

only duration

useful when boss die too fast or boss keep knockback

but it rare to work, spend on other first, then get few point in this or just keep at lv1

Since April of last year I have seen reincarnate work twice, well over 3,000 hours played and twice so ya, I wouldnt concern yourself with it.

They should make this skill increase chance and/or lower cooldown to make it appealing.Like around +0.5%-1% chance and/or reduce 1-5 sec cooldown per level.