Tree of Savior Forum

Does IMC still care for what's left of the population?


did I do it right?

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Quite frankly i am kind of curious where those fedmian players connects from, as i play there aswell, and i havent had a single connection issue yet.

I gave the game another shot only to be let down again. In the gameā€™s current state, itā€™s at the worst it has ever been. Iā€™ve uninstalled this game and donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever play another game by IMC ever again. Iā€™m just here to watch it burn. :3

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Thanks for the update : 3

been doing this since IMC compensated people who had the tokens instead of people who actually paid for the tokens


for me TOS was my worst game experience, even buy all the EA DLC, but whit all those bugs and exploits, and now party bugged, more exploits everywhere and when they try to fix one graphic issue create 10 graphic issues more

I just wait for LEGION

TOS is already dead

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Thatā€™s funny how some people forget they are playing a Beta game and proudly quit because of bugs. I wonder if We ll see them again after a solid alpha release.

They dont have the personnel to do it right?
Small Team?
What part of IMC be a Enterprise you dont understand and dont see that when the people you have is not enogh, you create more more teams, hiring more people, to compensate that.
This excuse that they are a small team using scrum or whatever agile framework they use, is just BS.

You want to sell to us that we have to be patient because they choose this path instead waterfall. I still dont believe you wrotte that.

You didnā€™t understand the message.
He didnā€™t say theyā€™re lacking personnel (they probably do), he says that their personnel is so incompetent (aka donā€™t care enough about what they currently ship) so they have to spend time retouching their past work instead of moving forward.

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yeah, i think what daays mean is decision making. they made alots of bad moves. Iā€™ve wanted to quit once, the investment in founderā€™s pack made me stay, plus the long letter from the kr development leader (i forgot his post), so i decided to give it another try, but its just another long big liesā€¦

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Sometimes players just post rage threads for just for cooling down. Perhaps he queued for the 160DG during the wee hours of the morning?

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9000 left but almost half of them is the bot. When i running on the map i found 1-2 ppl but i found 2-4 bot.

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Though the people who paid $$$ got heaps of silverā€¦
Canā€™t say what is the better for a paying player :confused:

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I donā€™t think the token price were 350k-400kā€¦ As I remember, the minimum value was always 500k.

It was that cheap, I sold 2 of my tokens for 350k at the time since I was starting out and wanted Arde (they were selling for as cheap as 325k on Klaioedia).

Sadly, I remember that. I was left scratching my head, I used TP bought with real money to buy tokens at 198 TPā€¦I sold those tokens to someone else, and now the person who bought the tokens with in-game money is given the TP which was meant to compensate people for the price reduction in TPā€¦wat?

Honestly, I think it was pretty obvious what was happening. They didnā€™t want to go through the trouble of checking logs of people who actually bought tokens and just compensating those people (which I canā€™t imagine would have been too difficult) but decided to make it super easy for themselves and decided anyone holding a token got TP, hoping to hit some people who actually bought the tokens with TP. The funny thing is, Iā€™d bet money that more people who bought tokesn with silver rather than TP ended up getting the TP compensation.

I remember thinking at the time that we just opened up the servers, and chalked it up to growing pains for IMCā€¦looks like theyā€™re still going through growing pains today.

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is jToS access-able across SEA? or exclusive for jp only? :frowning: