Tree of Savior Forum

Does IMC Manipulate Market Prices?

Every day i sell a single enchant scroll for 180-200k on the european server. there’s usualy a full page or 2 with scrolls on sale.

today i logged in and saw this:

So, someone bought out all scrolls for 180k-200k and resells them for 130k. can someone explain wtf is going on here? it makes no sense for a player to do this

edit: id like to add that the 180-200k price hasn’t changed for weeks. definitely reporting this as suspicious.

What would be the point of it even more of imc doing it ?
Make scroll more affordable on market ? To what ? Encourage player to not buy in the tp shop ?
Market value can change at anytime. Might even be the same guy that was selling them at 180 and when he saw it wasn’t selling that good when is offer end… He just reduce the price of it.

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what would be the point of the guy buying all your TP and reselling it a lower price?

i mean enchant scrolls and reselling it in a lower price

lower price = more tempting to players to buy scrolls from market = more tempting for paying players to buy more scrolls and sell them again. like i said there were a good 1-2 pages of scrolls for sale ranging from 180 to 210k. i always sell my scroll every day for 180k so it cant be that all these scrolls already belonged to a single dude who thought sales went too slow. it makes no sense everything is bought up and resold for a lower price

aaand its gone!

all the scrolls are gone, lol

And how is that “IMC manipulating market prices”?

First of all, you didn’t show that IMC has even remotely have something to do with it.

Secondly, what would IMC gain from it? Wouldn’t it make more sense, if they really wanted to manipulate market prices to increase item prices so its more worth it for players to buy more TP to sell them for silver? The less silver a TP item is worth the less silver TP buyers get per spent dollar, making TP buyers less inclined to spend more TP. So it wouldn’t make sense to make the prices cheaper.

Also, are you absolutely 100% sure these are actually the scrolls that were sold and are now being resold? How would you know they’re the exact same? Or is it possible that someone bought all scrolls and someone else, seeing no enchant scrolls being available on the market, dumped all their enchant scroll stacks for cheap?

Another possibility : Someone wanted to enchant headgears for super awesome stats, he bought tons of enchant scrolls because he thought he needed that many. But then he got his stats in a few rolls and now he’s selling the ones he doesn’t need anymore.

because i never said they did, the thread is a question…

just wanted to know what happend to all the scrolls. the reason i think they are being resold for lower is because i watched the prices and ammounts of scrolls for 2 weeks, the ammount that was sold spread out over 2 pages adds up to the stack of 200 and 50 that were being sold for shortly during the making of this thread. which are all gone now.

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