Tree of Savior Forum

Does crime pay? Yes or sure?


Guys, post here you reward from exploit the game please.


Hahaha why do i play this game?



3% to get at the top, the only ones that get this prize was from guilds that got TPs from guild war exploited method.

Congratulations IMC for gifting anyone who abuses a bug in the game. Proving that crime compensates

@STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Yuri @STAFF_Letitia @STAFF_Ines @STAFF_Amy :smiley:


I used an alternate account to “test” the DPK bug, guess what all my items are still here and i got all the rewards. TY IMC!! best event ever.

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i thought you only got 1 token… you get 2?

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Crime pays when you don’t get caught, not so much with the opposing scenario.

Good draw on the free cubes though.

This reminds me of why I like to avoid the forums…


Too bad Orsha was unaffected. Free stuff and handouts are my fetish.

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What some dumb ppl cant understand is that EVERY DROP was easier on the dpk bug. So, IF YOU PLAYED THAT DAY, u kinda “abused” the bug. Understood? ok. So, IF you got 1,10, 100 HGs boxes or whatever, and kept it to yourself, you are correct and you r on the group A, ok, u got your rewards because it was a imc bug. IF YOU SOLD IT ON THE MARKET/ TRADED, YOU CAN BE ON THE GROUP B OR C.

That’s why i told before - just wipe (rollback) the server when they had time, now thats the price.

They got the old players back, now this scandal…

Now guys, if you see something worng…just abuse and keep the itens in your bag, in the end you get lots of stuff, who did nothing wont get anything for good behavior.


IMC is a joke, the only time someone defend this company decisions is when he get something from it, like in this bug, the people who got the account blocked.
Many still have 2 BB and some legendary materials, this company is a joke and i am done spending my money on it. I gave a try, brought 6 friends to play with me, but all i got is this ■■■■. Every time i trust in IMC they ■■■■ up. i am done.
Bring all the salt you have, because this amount ins’t enough, i just hope you lose players with this decision so you can look back at your mistake and think more before doing something so stupid.
The bug’s that broke the market always come back, the old bug’s persist even after 1 year playing (mouse mode is shit, FPS is shit), i really like the game, but the people who administer this game dont have the ability to administer their own game, you can see this when they let a server on for 1 day while there’s a bug that raise the drop 20 times.
People who are honest get ■■■■■■ by IMC, people who exploited still have some of their items + COMPENSATION. Why you still playing this game?


Yes and sure. IMC is more like FAILCM

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where are my $100p…

I called this ■■■■ from the start :expressionless:

Congratz IMC
For being stupid.

What a failure of this company
Come to Brazil IMC!!! And pray for “Lava-Jato” (Operation Car Wash) dont get you.

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