Tree of Savior Forum

Does chrono's Reincarnate work on mission bosses?

That would mean we could get double exp from going one mission

Looking at other posts, it seems that Reincarnate works on mission bosses. However, the initial death of the boss will push you to the completion state of the mission and the boss will de-spawn before you can re-kill it. That being said, I don’t know if it’s been tested while the boss is reviving on top of AOEs. I have not tested Reincarnate so take all this as speculation.

I’ve been testing Reincarnate for a while, both CBT and now, and I have -never- been able to get it to even put a debuff on a boss.

It also seems either bugged, or the spell itself only has a chance of working, but 75% of the time when I’m standing there right next to a mob and cast Reincarnate, nothing happens and the skill just goes on cooldown.

Would be interesting if anyone with more knowledge or datamining ability or whatever could tell us.

I really want it to be a fun ability, but it seems most of the time it only has like a 25% chance of even going off on an enemy… and for a 2 min 30 sec cd, that’s crazy awful.

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No, it doesn’t work.

Backmasking is the skill that revives boss for another round of loot and exp (it’s in chrono rank 3)

Reincarnate is kind of… just a troll spell you can mess around with doesn’t work on bosses.

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Yes it does work on bosses, they just tend to resist it a lot.

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Just did a mission with my boy @noilid and it worked on both the mole and poata. We killed 5 bosses in one mission run <3



I’ve tried it soooo many times, I’ve also seen a World Boss being Reincarnated on stream so I know it can work… but I can’t seriously manage to make it work!

Is there something special to do? A certain Skill level? Is it about positionning when I cast the spell? (I always try it right in front of the bosses.)

From what people are saying, it just has an incredibly high chance of being resisted… whether that’s true or not (as there’s no “RESIST” showing up) I can’t tell you. I’d really like official word on it too, but we know that will never happen. :frowning:

Just use backmasking when you get rank 7 that one is 100%.

although it’s 10k per use :slight_smile:

Yes it does.



We’ve seen videos of it, doesn’t change the fact that we have no idea how it works, as the skill doesn’t say it has a chance of failing, or being resisted, or anything. :frowning:

I’ve used it over 50 times on bosses and not once has it done anything except go on CD.

I play by chrono, and I use this skill on all boss monsters in dungeons and missions. it work, but it have a very low chance to be applied. now i 179lvl and this skill was success applied just 3 times and in 1 of this 3 times that have reincarnated 2 bosses.

It is insulting, but on the Korean server (I’m sure) chronomancers revived 2-3 bosses while dungeon, minimum one!!! It seems on our server reduced chance to success of this skill or it just error…

it’s interesting, on field locations this skill work very well on mini boss monsters like Pavaisa

It works fine on field mobs, so far. I’m very glad to see it can work on mission bosses.

However, I’ve yet to get it to work on mission bosses and interestingly enough get red text at the time of casting. Something along the lines of “cannot be used in current area.” My party members always try to convince me it’s just low odds every time so…

I’ll try to get a screenshot next time.

I wonder if more points in the skill increases its chance to work on bosses?

Maybe there -is- a reason to put more than one point in it! Haha. One can dream. Not even our own staff seem to know how Chrono works. :frowning:

I tihnk it’s perhaps a melee attack maybe it’s being blocked or we are missing on the bosses?

Maybe it is skill level. We tend to invest in some skills because of the lack of information they offer. Right now we know that higher levels of reincarnate raises only the status duration, but maybe it raises chances as well. We really need detailed info of the skills.

But maybe its resisted, playing right, I have seen that monsters tend to resist unique status like joint penalty.

Just reincarnated the boss in mission. Yes it is possible.

It is possible to reincarnate anything. I only did it twice LOL on mission. You need to aim correctly likr just before a hit to the death of the boss, you have to cast the skill already something like that