Tree of Savior Forum

Does Archers have 0 Aoe Attack ratio by default?

My question is in the title.
I got 2 Centaurus +10 and now i got 4 aoe attack ratio so that’s mean i originally had 0. Isnt’ that weird?

How does now “4” interact with my skills? Such as Triple arrow will hit 4 target instead of 3 or 7 target instead of 3?
Does Arrow Sprinkle “rain arrows” hit up to 4 enemies per arrow now?

Thare are just some exaples :smiley:

yes it does.
your triple arrow will hit 4 small or 2 medium or 1 boss only
arrow sprinkle doesnt get affected by aoe attack ratio at all

Yes, they do, for some unknown reason…

AAR is related to the enemies’ AOE Defense Ratio.
I feel that Composition explained it pretty well here, so to quite him/her:

does triple hit by default 3 enemies even if they are small, big or medium sized?

Triple arrow hits 1 enemy by default (or 1 hit on 3 enemies each). If you play AoE-mergen, you must invest in AoE attack ratio. 3x 10 star centaurus red card, vubbe fighter glove, 2x gladiator band or phada, lolopanther medal.

i’m Falconer 3, Mergen1.
I dont’ quite understand how many enemies i will hit with mergen spells since isnt written on the typo.

Actually with Circling i hit unlimited enemies so i guess increasing aoe attack ratio i will hit more…
What about Arrow Sprincke? If it’s not affected by attack ratio why does it work that well with circling?

No, with current circling you do not need AoE attack ratio. Without circling, you will need it.

yea, i’m looking foward to upcoming changes to circling.
So if i will reach aoe attack ratio 9 with new ciircling (def setyted to 1 every enemy) i will hit 9 enemies with triple arrow.
What about the rain of arrows?

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Current circling: enemy AoE def drop to 0. You can hit all enemies because their def is 0.

New circling needs AoE attack ratio. New Circling: enemy drop to 1 AoE def. You need 1 AoE attack ratio to hit 1 enemy. So if you want to hit 10 enemies, you must have 10 AoE attack ratio in F1 status.

Also the circling:expand attribute will be removed and reworked into a buff. Buff = +3 AoE attack ratio for your character.

You need Aiming for rain of arrows (arrow sprinkle). Arrow sprinkle does not need AoE attack ratio.

Mergen Skills which need AoE attack ratio:
-Triple Arrow
-Homing arrow
-Parthian Shaft

Ty so much. Just i can0t figure why arcer have to stack attack ratio starting from 0… T_T
There aren’t any centaurus card at all in the auction all atm …

try to farm red album