You’re rather optimistic thinking you can change decades of cultural conditioning. Good luck with that.
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I don’t think that it’s something unachievable. I also don’t think it’s that hard to change decades of cultural conditioning when we are talking about a game that might be a huge investment for the company.
Maybe they won’t do it, but they certainly should.
Also, about focusing their time on “more relevant issues”, who can actually say this sort of communication isn’t relevant to the success fo the game? If it’s not their priority right now, I can manage to understand that, but there are lots of examples out there that show it should be treated as a special subject ( as @chronosanct pointed out) .
There is no reason to not ask for it. And I do think this would change a lot. I’ve seen forums go wild many and many times and it could all be solved with a little more of open discussions. They actually seem to be willing to do it at some opportunities. If I were to call “this” a dream, i’d say I wouldn’t let it go.
Item compensation is kind of meaningless for me, at least.
I can understand all other things being pointed all in this topic that say otherwise, but it isn’t enough to make me change my mind and I also can’t find a reason that would explain why someone would just think that and walk away.
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I mean you’ll probably say that this is an appeal to authority fallacy or something, but I thought the ideas presented in this article are thought provoking to say the least, please give it a read:
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Like many have mention cultural barrier is a huge difference between how companies run their social aspect.
I’ve seen about as much communication from dev / community manager (?) as I have seen in most launch. People keep forgetting that the game hasn’t officially launched yet. No matter how much you gripe about it being “full release” on steam but in reality this is a paid beta testing. If people can just take that in for a second. (Hell even official launches are terrible)
The games you provided have been out way longer and has been tempered through storms and hail.
Honestly fixing the server will greatly solve everything. God knows how much that would improve when people can just ACTUALLY play the game for a extended period of time. I mean you still have flaws in the game system but if you can play on a stable server it is a big plus. Can’t have a great game if the server just doesn’t even accommodate the player base.
Their image went down the drain real fast went from 9/10 to 6/10 on steam. But that’s just a tone of raging people that paid for a Beta testing and went to steam to rage about it. I mean hell if you played diablo 3 on it’s launch Jesus Christ that was one hell of a launch week . . . or month. It took them nearly to my experience roughly 3 weeks to get a solid server going with no login queue. And that is with a company that has been around for YEARS.
Let the storm pass, the game will at least live out for 2 or 3 years and then maybe die. I have seen WORST games live for 5+ years and just slog through.
I contemplated about getting a refund on the founders pack, but then I looked at steam and saw 80 hours of play time. Which made me re think about my action, I’m not supporting the broken game but I will give credit where credit is due. I paid $50 for early access and played 80 hours sounds reasonable to me at least.
I’m not happy with the current situation but I am waiting for improvement.

idk about warframe but i play Path of exile since closed beta back in 2012.
they still had a very small team. still they were constantly talking to the players and asking for their opinions. they didnt do everything the players asked for of course but they did alot.
even after they just released a new patch, if there were any bugs or problems you could bet on it that they send a small patch in a matter of hours.
and they do that up till now and got even better. and they already making tons of money. that is also the reason why i bought supporter packs worth over 600€+. because they CARE about their community and the game. so i wanna support them.
IMC should do the same or at least get close to it.
this is disappointing but true.
“good communication” with the developers only means that they will take the time and detail out what they’re going to do to the game in the near future.
you’re welcome to voice your opinions, and they’ll nod politely, and then they’ll go and do what they said they were going to do anyway.
if you want to actually -change- something, it needs to be a very large segment of the active players that rise up and complain about it.
i mean look at what’s already done:
we rose up and demanded things be done about the botters and RMT’s. so they blocked direct trade in an effort to make it harder for them. and then we rose up and called them idiots and scammers.
the proposed a staggered launch, so they could beef up the servers over time at a pace to meet the increasing playerbase, while being able to rapidly respond to issues as they arose. we rose up and demanded NO, GIMME NOW! and so they gave us now, and it was a mess like anyone could tell it would be. and then we rose up and called them idiots and scammers.
all i can hope is that IMC quickly realizes that listening to the players is usually worse than just doing what they were going to anyway. at which point the players will probably rise up to call them idiots and scammers again.
as for “how the players will perceive IMC and ToS in the future” ? well, who cares. players are fickle and unstable. they rage or forgive for equally small reasons.
“god communication” or not, the players who like the game will continue to play, and the players who don’t will move on to other things.
sure, having a “good community” is one reason players might continue playing. but for a great example of that NOT being true, take a look at the LoL community, generally considered to be one of the most toxic gaming communities around today, and yet tons of people play it constantly.
on the flipside, look at Ragnarok Online, 14+ years later and it’s still running, mostly because everyone thinks it has a great community.
Ultima Online, basically THE pioneer of MMO gaming - released in 1997 and still running today. (dayum, that’s almost the 20th anniversary of MMO gaming going more or less mainstream…) hell, UO is probably older than a significant portion of the ToS playerbase. this gives me giggles.
anyway, it doesn’t matter whether IMC is talkative or silent, commanding, demanding, or caving-in. if the players enjoy the game, it will keep going.