Tree of Savior Forum

Does a Linker's "Spritual Chain" and "Umbilical Cord" take up a buff slot?

I was watching this video. showing off Linker C3 gameplay and noticed that the parties total buffs were seven. I thought six was the limit. I also noticed that Spiritual Chain and Umbilical Cord were both on a different row than the other buffs.

So I was wondering, Are Spiritual Chain and Umbilical Cord not counted as buffs?

Buffs appearing in the second row do not count to the maximum buff count. only those that appear in the first row apply to that rule.

in that video it appears spirit chain & umbilical chord is Rank 2 buffs and the other are Rank 1.

The only thing i can explain about this is;
ie) sorcerer ‘summon servant’ ( granted 5 rank 1 buff in CBT)

  • that is all your buff slots gone at that time

however, after release in KTOS it was changed so that the cats beneficial buffs are considered rank 2 ( and appear in the bottom row as opposed to the top )

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Only the first line of buffs have a buff limit. Second line of buffs are secondary buffs and you can have as much as you want/can get on that line.

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Ah I see. Okay, I understand. Thank you both for the information!

Don’t forget, they also upped the buff limit.