Tree of Savior Forum

Doe cryo2kino1 playstyle synergize well with chrono3?

Hi guys, im having a huge dilemma with planning my 10 rank build… People with more cryokino experience can pls bless me with your insights?

Currently going for a cryo2 kino1 build with chrono3 as the finisher… Does the playstyle of cryokino synergize well with chrono? If rank 10 is implemented and assuming no other CC worthy ranks to take, i’d probably go for cryo3 kino2 chrono3 rune caster1…

Also, which one is better in terms of general usefulness…? I’m inclining more towards PvE than PvP/GvG…

  1. Cryo3 Kino2 : More icewall (for more shards by psychic pressure combo) + snow rolling and frost pillar…
  2. Cryo2 Kino3 : More levels in psychic pressure (but less shards?) + the uberly cool raise and gravity pole [shorter cooldown than cryo c3 counterpart]

I’d seriously drop rune caster if he doesnt have such a nice costume… but luckily, the ice shard damage is affected by rune of ice, right? so it wont be such a big waste… xD

Thanks in advance

You gain a nice burst with PP icewall combo… But thats it.
What u lose is 2 awesome CCs. Frost pillar and snowrolling.

If ur goal is to be a team support than i guess u shud not go Kino.

Can I ask you the main idea of choosing Chrono? :smiley:

Just go Cryo3-Kino3.

I see… but i saw kino c3 skills are all awesome CC too with less cooldown (though i admit cryo c3 skills are better CC since it also gathers the mob), and i see little reason to go kino2 as i think it is either a c1 or c3 class…
Can a Lv 5 PP hit all 15 ice wall? Or does it require Lv 10 PP to hit all?

Yes, I guess I just wanna have a good supporting skills and chrono might just be the most in demand (plus the male has a good costume)… and since it is a c3 class or nothing, i just hafta squeeze in all the kino cryo i can get…

Their costume both looks kinda suck to me… lol j/k. With “Pass”, my spells will be cast even more frequent… I simply just slipped 1 kino to have some kind of good damage to make my life easier.

No, gravity pole and raise are much better than Pass.

Kino’s skills have damage potential with added CC. Cyros are more towards CC than damage.

The PP icewall burst combo is great for only Bursting, it has lousy uptime. Ice wall’s CD is longer than PP.

If u read the description, PP at lv 5 hits 9 targets i think…?
So icewall at around 8 shud b sufficient iirc…

If u wna be a CC king, go cyro3 kino3. The CCs from cyro prevent ur channelling spells as a kino from being interrupted.

If u wna support ur team with an irreplacable haste and pass, definately go Chrono. Just let ur team mates deal damage while u help them do more with ur buffs.

I mean, who dosent like Lv10 haste xD