Tree of Savior Forum

Do Chaplains Need Spirit?

This is basically it. I was considering a 2:1:1 INT, CON, SPI for my Chaplain, but wonder if its necessary in the long run? Spirit seems like such a lackluster stat, and its only purpose seems to be to scale Stone Skin (I suppose Aspersion’s and Depreciated Zone as well, though INT also scales Aspersion’s damage).

Chaplain’s even get an SP Recovery attribute, so in the grand scheme, do they really need a lot of Spirit? I’d really like to see more info on the newer Cleric Classes at higher Ranks (such as Shepard since the wiki mentions (buth as no proof for) that Shepards main stat is Spirit, but no clue to be honest).

So what do you really thing about that? If only Spirit was a better stat in the first place… well scratch that. INT isn’t exactly a good stat either, but what it does do is scale better thanks to the Rank bonuses… I really suppose I shouldn’t worry since most everything works in this game as it is.

Remember that SPR doesn’t only increase SP recovery but also max SP. This might be crucial in longer fights, especially if you don’t wanna be too dependend on potions.

Clerics already get higher natural SP regen through level progression, chaplains get SP regen attribute on top of that. Plus you wont have enough skills to burn through all that SP/regen: at about lvl 100 you will run with full SP most of the time without needing any pots.

I’m slowly thinking a 4:2:1 INT/CON/SPI might be nicer in the long run, at least until I see some more information on future classes. I don’t want to completely ignore Spirit, and while I’m sure I could go without Spirit at all, future levels can balance it out to a higher amount if I do need it, rather than putting it in and figuring out I don’t need much at all.

Don’t know about chaplain but most full supports go 3:1 SPR:CON with no INT. Priest3 have mass heal and stone skin that scales with SPR.
But if you are going more hibrid or dps INT is better.

Everything scales with INT, and INT scales better due to Rank bonuses providing 10% increased INT per Rank.

The only thing that does not is Stone Skin. Mass Heal also scales with INT at the same rate SPI does. Aspersion also scales with INT since it deals Magic Damage. Stone Skin and Deprotected Zone are the only things that require SPI scaling.

The benefits to going INT over SPI in my mind is that for supporting, Heals and Aspersion scale with INT just as much as SPI. Offensively, Heal and Cure get double scaling from INT, making it useful offensively while soloing whle not hampering your ability to stay alive to support parties with. INT will also get 70% more stats than the same amount of SPI, so comparatively, those going pure INT will have better heals than pure SPI

Deprotected Zone will get more Defense reduction with Spirit, depending on how much Defense bosses get, a full Spirit character can make the most out of this, as well as maximizing Stone Skin’s Block Rating, but that’s about it.

I think what classes are available that are missing will be pretty important as to which stats will be overall better, unless they make some changes to how INT and SPI function, as they’re both currently lackluster in what they do.

INT is purely offensive in nature, so if your main goal is to support, then you should be getting CON and SPR.

I plan to leave INT at 100 on my stat sheet (after rank upgrades) and then go 1:1 CON/SPR. If I find that I don’t have enough life I will reset to pure 1:1 CON:SPR and forget about int(yay founders packs)

The amount you heal for scales with INT though, so pretty sure it would be beneficial to go INT/SPR/CON mix

This game does not benefit from splitting your stats up thanks to how the stats are scaled. You’re best limiting yourself with INT + CON or STR + CON + DEX in some fashion.

I kinda wish the stat system just receives an overhaul. Ragnarok benefitted from having the stat bonuses for STR and INT every 10 scaling up exponentially, but also making it that much harder to increase stats at levels progressed to the point where you could get 90 Strength, and instead of going for 100 strength which would take a lot of points, go 40 con and get your health up instead.

Eventually, for 1 point of STR or INT in this game, it might equal 4-5 when you put a stat in. Then that point you put in SPI or something else might feel like a waste. Its a pretty poor system.

SPR is rly mainly about Stone Skin at the moment. It scales insanely with it…but I said before that I have no idea if we will need that much Block in any part of the game that it could give.

What I want to say is that if you only put points on INT or if you have too little SPR Stone Skin can become useless… so keep that in mind.

I rly have no idea where the SPR-Shepard thing came from but I think it is not a good idea to assume anything yet.

Also if stats would have a max cap like in Ragnarok it also could help imo.

Stone Skin work properly only with a full SPR build??

Stone skin not work properly with full spr. It just work better scaling with full spr

I just wanted to say we don’t rly know how much Block(SPR) will be needed at the end…and that in a pure INT build without SPR Stone Skin should actually fall off with time imo because it is just a flat number without SPR too…but can’t confirm it either…I think that 400 flat Block still matters at the end a bit too but the question is if it is worth it.

…and Stone Skin as I said scales insanely with SPR… that x4 is rly a lot I dunno if ppl realise it. 50 SPR difference means 200 Block difference.

I made a little comparison with some simple calculations once mainly because Aspergillum here: LINK
But it is just about stats from levels. Also those numbers…are just numbers… We should know how much Block is needed at the end.

Also don’t misunderstand it. INT is definitely gives you insane dps because it is not just about the double Aspergillum damage compared to SPR but also about all of your other magic skills. But both SPR and INT has its uses and I think both can work purely or mixed well with the right skills.

Sry that i wrote a so long post…I’m rly bad at this…X) :sweet_potato:

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Based on experience (cleric2 priest3 chap) with 40con and rest into Int, i must say… In dungeons most of the time, especially around 190dg onwards, you will find yourself less on the front line dealing damage but more of a support healing and buffing from behind. Not saying our damage is outright bad but… Your main priority is to keep your team alive and you cant if you are dead or using up heal tiles that are meant for party members.

SPR grants you mdef, a far superior Stoneskin which could become 100% uptime with deploy capella.

Maybe more CON would allow me to better dish out damage without fear of dying too fast but… In the end, we are still mainly support.

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Having more CON also allows you to redirect damage to yourself by equiping Aoe Defense Ratio, or by manually tanking.

CON is probably the most important stat to have as a support. For a support Chaplain I would say a 1:1 or 1:2 CON:SPR build is a pretty good template.

err arent aspergium damage scale with spr ?
or skill calc in tosbase are outdated ?

Some additional information on SPR that might be interesting:

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Scales with INT and SPR apprently. So yea you have the option of investing INT to get better aspergillum damage since you get bonus INT stats and not SPR.

Yes CON is important but the purpose here is to:

  • survive
  • dish out better heals.

You are a support class not a tank. Let the tank do their jobs, I dont see why we should steal their purpose @.@

So that was tested huh. Good to know.

It’s a team effort.
Besides, if you are taking the damage instead of someone else it’s easier to stay on top of the healing and other supporting.

The benefit of having INT isnt very high due to the large cooldowns on healing abilities so you might as well get a stats with more practical use.