Tree of Savior Forum

Dng290 and newbies

HI I am back to spew out poison on newbies because they fcking don’t wanna learn anything and want to be spoon-fed.

This is a common issue in every regional server.

Newbies going out in kirito mode and destroying everything like a OPiest char who need no head to think and break the very 1st orb they see. Then others curse him and bail out of dng and that kirito mode newbie still doesn’t know what he did.

Stop your fcking retardness and break everything you see.

There are 2 ways:

  1. Destroy A and go to Orange warp point in the end to fight Red Lavenzard boss.
  2. Destroy B and go to Blue warp point in the end to fight Armous.

Why the fck even bother touching any other orb in 1st place. It fails the run.
The only blessing among the retards is that, you can still clear all the mobs but boss room will remain locked and you will be kicked out of dng as soon as you clear last room which you do last.

Why the fck you can’t stay back and do exactly what other do rather than poking your nose at wrong stuff.
If a player is not destroying an orb means something. Why the fck you go and destroy it out of curiousity and/or retardness. If you want to know what that does then just solo the run and try it out. Don’t mess up other’s run.

Once you break the correct orb, its safe to break any other. But why the fck even do that. it doesn’t give xp or mats or silver, why the hell you break that. Its like, “Oh there is something which i can damage, let me see what happens if i break it”. If someone bails out after you fcking the run up, don’t whine that “that player bailed out and we were stuck inside”.

Points to keep in mind:

  1. Don’t break wrong orb.
  2. Break the correct orb beforehand if there is a PD2 or falc3 or Retreat shot using SR3 (nowadays a rare find but still exist) or linker or anyother class which has huge AOE or can make others atk become AOE.


Stop being kiritard and follow the one who is instructing if there is anyone.


Won’t hurt to let your party members know it’s your first time running too, majority of them will know what to do, so just follow them and learn the dungeon.

May I add, that when you have a Plague Doc or huge AOE Wizzard in your party, then start with “A” or “B” because their AOE (Black death) will destroy “1-3” inadvertently.


OP is tilted but I can feel him.

This needs to be pinned.

To many trolls so people don’t say anything now days… I got yelled at once for rushing ahead and bypassing orb 1 and all the mobs and going to kill orb A before lol

Added in my own words. Thx

Add on a bit more, some powerful linker might accidentally link the orb as well. Then boom there goes the bosses for this run.

Like others veterans have mention please try to voice out if you have no idea what to do, if there is an veteran around just follow him/her. At some point some veteran might just say/ask red or blue. So taking different path route on the color choose. To avoid those common mistakes some of the veterans might just go for blue.

But bare in mind this dungeon both the red and blue orb room are heavily guarded by magical/archers mobs be prepare to drink potions to survive those hits taken while inside.

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TBH i prefer dying multiple times than breaking the wrong orb. I myself say it beforehand to clear archer room and break that orb 1st. But retards being retards. Some still break wrong one.

Not really a problem, you have a maximum number of enemies following you of 8-9, if you’re clever you can actually abuse this to your favor to have some seconds of free time when attacking the orb.
The orb also only has 50 HP, which translates to 25 autoattacks with Sacrament.
18 seconds to survive with 0 DEX while striking that orb should be manageable,especially if you can drink a potion to recover over 5k HP in that time.

There is actually one reason to attack the other orbs: they are plant type monsters, so they drop wood if you attack them with Carve Attack. But other than that there’s no real reason to attack those orbs at all.

And even that reason is not used by me if I happen to run in a party, because it’s annoying for other players if you keep clogging their inventory with useless wood pieces.

Solo I’ll carve the hell out of them while killing the other monsters to replenish the used wood as a neat sideffect. Not going to destroy them,though, just 3 quick carves per orb for some extra wood.

Thanks for info.
/20 characters

Hi there,
Yesterday I did this DG for the first time and just followed the rest of the group. From what we did I can say we went for the red lavenzard path.
At end, of course I saw there was places we didn’t went and asked why, also regarding the orbs… no one replied.
So, first, thanks for the post and secondly, what are the benefits, using your example, to go blue or orange warps?
Drops? Mats? easy or hard? doesnt’ worth going for the blue?

Thanks in advance!

Back before I started soloing this dungeon I just told people to not attack the orbs that are in the center of any room and this ceased to be a problem.

Boss cubes drop different recipes and that is pretty much it. I feel people go for the orange boss more because the blue one requires you to backtrack a bit. Blue boss also seems to bug characters out if you get caught in the gravity ability he does sometimes. Both bosses are easy to kill.

But then how do I know which recipes drops in each boss box? I mean, although the orange is “better” because you don’t need to backtrack a bit, maybe the blue one would be better for me in terms of drops, it everything else doesnt matter.

Is this correct? regarding the confirmations also. BTW, everything you open the cube is the recipe and open again is just talt and tal? Thanks!

Lv290 Dungeon
Blue Armaos cube:
Recipe - Windia Rod
Recipe - Vienarazis Staff
Recipe - Pierene Sword
Recipe - Wyndila Rod [Need Confirmation]
Recipe - Gale Slasher [Need Confirmation]
Recipe - Pygry Spear [Need Confirmation]
Recipe - Scamet [Need Confirmation]

Red Lavenzard cube:
Recipe - Aufgowle Bow
Recipe - Double Stack
Recipe - Lion Head Cannon
Recipe - Vienarazis Mace
Recipe - Dragon Piper [Need Confirmation]
Recipe - Silver Hawk [Need Confirmation]

I haven’t done armous boss since ages. But what i know of, the drop list is accurate.
Lavenzard cube also drops riteris and molich boss card. Don’t know about armaos.

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Armaos gives recipes for Wizard and Swordman classes (rod, staff, swords, shield)
Lavenzard gives recipes for Clerics and archers (mace, bows, crossbow, muskett)


Apparently to @BurningFighter you’re retarded if you don’t understand a mechanic in a dungeon the first time going in (I hope I never see you in wow or ffxiv). God forbid someone not speaking the same language as you as well so they can’t understand your explanation (assuming you’re even explaining how it works to people).

You know who you should be getting angry at? IMC for introducing a stupid mechanic that doesn’t add any depth to the game (like the unstable cube). If every orb spawned a different boss then it could be cool, but nope it’s the way it is right now and you’re mad at people who don’t understand how it works.


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Yes they are retarded bcz there are plenty of videos available in youtube. They can look at ET videos before entering but why not 290? or any other dng?
Its not like the dng was released 1 day ago and no info about its mechanics whatsoever.
When r8 was recently released, everyone was careful not to break wrong orbs even by mistake. But why after reset event it failure chances increased?
I am telling to watch a video bcz you can understand "what to do"at least without needing to read. Language barrier is no issue there.

And yes, I won’t see you ever in those games(wow ,ff14)

I never denied it. IMC mechanics is stupid as ever. But since its known since a long while now that its stupid with videos available, why not utilise those. But no.

Half this post is a rant. But at least I gave a proper method now. But I know even after this, players will continue to break wrong orb. Why ? Language barrier? So you expect every guide and every website for this game to have translations available in all languages?
I don’t think there is anyone who is so closed up socially that he doesn’t have a single friend/guildie who doesn’t understand English.

That’s the problem isn’t it? If you’re doing a dungeon for the first time, you seek help from fellow party members who have done it so they can guide you instead of swan diving into everything.

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someone already create a nice guide for all DGs actually. if ppl wanna take their time use search :mag_right: this mistake won’t be happened.