Tree of Savior Forum

[DISCUSSION] tester-selection-and-beta-key-distribution-announcement

It is extremely disheartening to not receive a key, but I suppose space is limited. I just pray the fully open beta occurs sometime soon. ;_; I’ve been following this from nearly the beginning. Dang it.

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There’s a thing called: Not posting or getting involved in anything.

So your defense is that you logged in on the homepage since long ago. What does this make your account worth more and as such supposed to be preferred?

So what is the amount? Supposed to be thousands and many of them active on the forums to talk about it.

[quote=“Herrion, post:10, topic:16948, full:true”]
I heard somebody create 5 accounts and get 3 beta keys
[/quote]Without evidence, it never happened.

be positive…Im beta tester!

eventhough I’m not chosen haha

By the way,

I am very interested to know where’s the server location for current beta test? I don’t recall them mentioning it at all…

And you’re not angry to be ranting here about not getting a key?
Man you forget that we are dealing with THOUSANDS of people, if there are 200 or 500 persons complaning about not getting a key dont mean that most of the people werent choosen, also the forum dont consist on all the people that will be playing the game, neither your friend on facebook or anything like that, since its International, we are dealing with people from all over the globe.

Give us numbers then, get a real evidence and fill a complaint in the right section of the forum instead of being here ranting about how people create duplicates and you dint get a key because of that. If you cant, just be like everyone that didn’t get a key and just



well I didnt get a key , but my wife got one , so we will share it and although she registered on the forum way before the announcement, I guess they did give only one for “each IP”

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It would appear you work in both ignorance and arrogance, unfortunate.

Oh right, I’m both ignorant and arrogant because I dont know that there
is a whole world wanting to play Tree of Savior and I’m here crying out
my tears of sadness because I didn’t got choosen to be a beta tester and
I’m blaming other people for it because they got choosen instead of me
and to finish I dont even trust the IMC decision of beta tester, so Im
getting mad at YOU and letting it out on YOU! OH GOD, what sadness and

I didn’t even had to search that much to see people making giveaways for some likes on facebook pages

Its because Fan sites and such get a bundle with 5 keys to do distribute, but its keys separate from the 5000 distributed, as was said in the anouncement.

Yeah! So people, less whining and more finding keys out there! And good luck :v:

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give me 1 please
i very need beta keys

Is streaming still prohibited in this CBT eng.ver??

I have no idea, seems like they gave several out or something…and plenty arent being used by people who really want to play the game

I deserve to be a beta tester. I’m devastated I didn’t receive a beta key. :weary:

              Need a key to the beta please!
      I am a player who has played many mmorpg need to play, I'm dying of envy of everyone playing

I can not win any key evidence in any draw that walk forums

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