Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] Caves (Dungeons) and Instance Dungeons

By now, I’m sure that most of us have explored the first and second Caves in the game (Crystal Mines and Tenet Chapel) as well as potentially running the first Instance Dungeon of the game (The Lv. 50 Tenet Chapel ID). What are you thinking about the dungeon system present in the game at the moment?

Looking at some of the classes presents a really big issue in the fact that they’re meant to fill a party role, and not be played in a solo effort. However, due to the lack of “Party-Required” content in the game so far, focus is being shifted away from playing those Full Support classes. Instead it’s falling on how much DPS a Highlander can do and why everyone is making one. It’s kind of sad that so much potential is being thrown out in favor of a 2H Sword’s auto-attack capability, if you ask me.

So, what’s the difference between Caves and Instance Dungeons? The game makes it obvious through a help window. Caves, which are normally part of the story anyways, have enemies that drop Gems. If you die in a cave, you’ll also drop your gems. So it’s safe to say that caves are more-or-less gem-focused in terms of why they exist. Moving on to Instance Dungeons, these are very few, and very far between. They’re where party-play and full support classes shine, however. Mobs offer increased EXP here, as well as the standard cave rules (gems are dropped by both mobs and yourself).

I guess the big question is: Why are there so many caves (especially ones such as Guard’s Graveyard) that exist without “purpose” (i.e. no story ties, completely out of the way, etc.). And why aren’t there more instance dungeons, if there are so many classes that have skills that are dependent on party-play.


These caves without any real story or purpose are most likely relics of the time before there were instanced dungeons (i.e. iCBT1), and are now just extra places to go if the more common grinding areas are too crowded. I personnaly don’t see any problem with having more maps.

I don’t mind extra maps either, but repurposing them or at least having an NPC stand outside to proc a quest for the objectives within would add to their sense of “being” in the game.

TLDR: I hate the instance dungeons.

These Instance Dungeons should never have existed in first place (IMHO). Instanced content is just as bad as it goes.

Just make the bosses hard enough, so the players have to be in parties to not die a lot. It enhances the competition, gives boss drops meaning, since not everyone would gain something (let’s say just a few items dropped randomly to a few players. Those players should be eligible by some prerequisites, so that nasty one who came alone and hit the boss one time, had no chances, or very little, to get the item). THIS IS JUST A EXAMPLE

I seriously don’t see not even one good point in segregate the player base in this places. One can say: “This will be a spam fest, just like any other world boss in other games. The boss spawns, people go crazy, the boss dies”. But let’s be reasonable here, what’s the difficulty in ToS dungeons? The only difference to grind mobs/quest bosses is the damage and HP. The mechanics could be the same to whatever number of people.

Ofc, there are the lag problem because of the amount of people in the room, but this is another thing that could be resolved or mitigated with a little more thinking.

In a side note: instanced pvp is freaking horrible as well!

Again, it’s just 2 cents. Whats you guys think?