Tree of Savior Forum

[Discussion] About "Z-bots"

The legwyn event can only be done once roughly every hour. It requires quite a lot of effort to log in every hour, complete the event to spawn the enemies (unless you are a dick that let’s other people do work for you) and kill all the enemies. Even if you wait for other players to do the event you still have to actively check when it starts. And you will be less likely to have a full group, meaning you get even less money.

Also, the amount of silver you make is based on how many players are present. When the game is released there will be a lot more players than there are now, meaning you will only make a small amount of what you are currently making .

Not to mention that there is most likely going to be much better places to gain silver than legwyn once all the content beyond level 200 is released.

You don’t need multiples computers to start multiple instances of a game.

That makes afk farming even more irrelevant, considering you won’t even gain much silver aside from big red kepa abuse (due to how mini boss works).

Same goes to the AFK farmer. I’m just arguing that AFK farming is just not worth it at this point. Farm all you want, the effort to setup the afk farm is just not worth it.

Why? A better method will probably be to simply afk-farm a level 300 area. I bet you would make a lot more silver that way than legwyn.

That’s very subjective. A lot of players will do whatever they can to gain an advantage. Setting up afk-farmers doesn’t take much of an effort in my opinion.

Well, at this point. We will never know if afk farming at higher level area is worth it until it came out.

Big Red Kepa is good for afk farming because EVERYONE get the silver. I doubt there will be as many good spot as that in higher level.

Ya I know it’s subjective, but you seriously don’t get much advantage from it, at least for this CBT. It’s more like earning enough pocket change. There is a reason why the one doing the afk farm is usually below level 120.

Cant believe there is still an argument regarding afk auto attackers lol.
Slyphid obviously didnt reach level 170+ to see how the maps work.
Hes literally basing his judgment and argument on his 1-120 experience. (Heck he probably only got to at most torch room mausoleum)

Heck hes now even trying to make some sense on maps that aren’t even in kCBT. You might as well say afk farming at a level 600 maps earns you more money… like you don’t say eh?
Just stop, can obviously tell you’re no where near max level or you are not even in the beta.

Better topic, you might as well argue about how the game will go P2W in the future when cash shop comes out since you can already see level 300+ maps are afk farmable. Give us some in-sight on cash shop please.

it wont require any skills or magic to see, that people will stay on altars etc (out of monsters hitrange) and just press Z, as they already do in lower areas

thinking that lvl 300-600 areas wont give that possibilities is either naive or quite stupid

And you dont receive silver or any loot if you’re on a different z axis then where its dropped.
Your point? Have you even tried to do what you just said before you type that stupid thing out?

Try doing it in Mausoleum you literally cant even pick up silver. Vacuum only works if you’re on the same z axis. Oh and if you say a high level can do it just standing in the middle, well you honestly cannot because your auto attack arc is roughly 75 degree? You will never change directions because you are just holding down Z. So mobs that attack you from the rear/flank will eventually wear down your health.

The whole point of this argument is hes claiming people can auto attack afk farm so much that it’ll pretty much cause inflation to the economy because you gain so much money.
Here i am saying auto attack afkers gain so little its negligible and some classes even have to spec into to become efficient.

You really gotta try afk auto attacking level 170+ maps before you talk, there’s virtually no map that allows you to do so.
There is one but only Necro/summoner can do and thats the map where dullahan spawns. But that player is literally getting 2 mobs every 30-45 seconds and killing those two mobs give like 200-500 silver. Not only that hes not even afk auto attacking… So thats not even the topic.

they still receive the exp, even if no gold, which sums up to a big advantage

It doesn’t sum up to a BIG advantage… lol WHAT?! More like the smallest advantage you can think of, it can even be a disadvantage if you’re an archer speccing into kneeling shot.
1-80 is when you see auto attacking barbs/archers
80-120 is when you see pretty much only archers auto attacking.
120-165ish is when you see like 1 archer trying to make his auto attacking work but he gets like 1-2 kill every minute or two.
165+ you dont ever see anyone auto attacking. I’ve played iCBT2 since the beginning, one of the first one to max level, haven’t seen anyone dare auto attack afk 165+ maps in Zemyna.

Even if they were to receive exp for being afk you would probably gain 1 level every 6-12 hours at level 80-120 ASSUMING YOU DON’T GET KILLED BY OTHER PLAYERS. If you were to actually play the game you would level up every 30-45 minute depending on your class (can be faster then 30 minute). With their 6-12 hour per level you would level at least 10 levels for their 1. (Obviously not including the potential levels you can obtain for doing quests-getting exp cards)
The biggest down side to speccing into auto attacking build is you’ll be weaker compared to someone that didnt spec into auto attack afk build. The advantage they gain is so small… how are you even trying to make it sound like they are leveling at an extremely fast rate? Have you even tried it?
You’re most likely one of those people that saw a 1 minute youtube video of someone afk auto attacking and quickly judge its broken lol. Bet you don’t even have a level 200.


Seriously, all these guys saying afk autoattacking is granting an advantage, can you just try to do it at the higher level and comment after that (above level 141)?

I do agree that there is advantage, but it’s seriously laughably small.

I agree with this…[quote=“dmhamilt, post:128, topic:121453”]
I think afk farming should be restrained in some way simply because such players inconvenience players who are actually present.

Maybe they can make it so that holding Z stops working if you hold it for 5, 10, or 30 mins.