Tree of Savior Forum

Discuss this Semi-Damage support Wizard build with me

My main goal here is to reach Chrono 3. Why? Because time mages are sick. I’ve been thinking of different paths to get there. Let’s go through the check list:

Pyro? Boring as hell.
Cryo? Too meta.
Thauma? Toooo supporty
Linker? Good support, but I don’t want to be full on support.

So I’ve decided on Psychokino. One of the best DPS moves in the game (PP) with pretty neat CC.

But the thing is, right now, it’s impossible to go Psycho 3 Chrono 3. Needs rank 8. I know FOR SURE I want Chrono 3.

So I’m thinking: Psycho 2 -> Chrono 3 and wait for Rank 8 to come out, to which I’d just spec back into Psycho 3.

Here’s my thought process:

Psycho 2 gives you leet damages and stun on PP. By not going Psycho 3, I know i’m missing out on that Raise and that Polar Effect skill (forgot what it’s called).

The Raise skill can be substituted with stop/slow (at least PvE-wise). Stop/slow them, then boom, do your PP thing.

As for the polar effect skill, I would be missing out on that. One of the neatest skills in the kit, but eh. Maybe worth the sacrifice.

Anyway, here’s the build in question:

Wiz 2, Psycho 2, Chrono 3.

Let me know what you think.

Skill point redistribution from that build:

Always max out sleep, and Lethargy isn’t worth maxing, at all. Reflect Shield is terrible, there’s even an entire thread on why not to get it.

For Chrono, Pass is something that you should definitely max. Stop isn’t something you’d want a high level of, since there are maps where you need to finish fast and a high level Stop slows you down too much.

As for Kino, I’m not too sure about the skill point distribution. Yeah I didn’t use up all the points because personally, I’d just save them for when you get Kino at R8 since I’m not a fan of Magnetic Force. (or just use them all up and buy a Skill Point Reset later)

Some people are saying that you don’t really need Surespell for Kino. I’m not entirely sure but if that were true, I would also recommend taking Cryo1 instead of Wiz2. Cryo1 would give you more CC (3 Freezes) and access to a tiny Icewall Pressure Combo. Also, it would give you more filler skills

I think for PVP, I’d be a lot happier to have grabbed Surespell for Kino. Where people can just resist CC, walk up to you, and smack you out of your PP. I want my PP to be absolutely unstoppable; to the point where the only option you have is to walk out of it’s range.

For PvE purposes, you’re probably completely correct regarding the Cryo. But that surespell doe.

Wiz3 -> Kino3 here, and before that I’ve made a Pyro Kino and a Cryo Kino.

Surespell doesn’t prevent CCs, which mean you’ll still get interrupted by knock back or knock down. But still, if PP is your main focus, you cannot afford to not use it with Surespell.

Missed a single mob? -> interrupted.
A mob spawn right next to you? -> interrupted.
You got poisoned? -> interrupted.
The mobs are immune to stun? -> interrupted.
There was a range mob that you didn’t notice? -> interrupted.

You get the picture, and that’s basically why I made my 3rd Kino.

Yeah, sounds about right. I didn’t know CC actually knocked you out of it though.


What do you think about my build though? Viable?

You’ll have a VERY VERY hard time leveling up, because Wiz2 offers little in terms of damage and PP has quite a long cooldown. Plus pretty much every boss can knock you out of your channeling.

In terms of bulild, Kino 2 offers little in terms of CCs. PP is very powerful and stun locks enemies to death, but it comes with a great cost of requiring you to stay in melee range (and has long cooldown). Magnetic Force is VERY underwhelming, I almost forgot that i have such skill after I reached Kino3.

Magnetic Force does NOTHING in the first few seconds after you cast it. MF will not pull the mobs together if they left the MF circle before the pull. Not to mention mobs can resist the pull. MF has so far NEVER worked the way I intended it to work.

If your goal is to be a Chrono 3 that is a massive CC machine and able to deal okay damage, picking up Cryo 3 is a better a option in my opinion. Both Ice Pillar and Snow Rolling offers insane CCs that do not require you to take WIz2.

I heard Snow-rolling was absolute garbage on C3 for some reason. In fact, I partied with a Cryo 3, and all he ever used was the tree. Never even got to see Snowrolling. Probably didn’t specc into it.

And regarding the critique, I could imagine so. But what if Rank 8 comes out? Do you think Wiz 2, Psycho 2, Chrono 3, Psycho, would be potentially equal to or better than Wiz Cryo 3 Chrono 3?

Idk, I’m just really feeling the Psycho tree, but I’m also REALLY determined to be a Chrono 3 end-game supportish mage…

Ugh. Cryo 3 Chrono 3 just sounds so overdone…

I have seen a Cryo3 using Snow Rolling, it looks pretty op.

In terms of CCs, Kino3 and Cryo3 is quite arguable of which one is better. So if you feel the Psycho in you, I would say go for it.

I myself is running quite build that you don’t see everyday, could be good, could be bad. But I like it and it does what I wanted it to do (except MF), and I think that’s what’s important.

The temptation to try this build and class is killing me…

Also, now that you’re here and you play a Psychokino, what can you tell me about Telekensis? The move that puts people in a ball and drops them multiple times?

Is it perfect for PVP? I would assume the person in the ball can’t break out of it, and it disables a person for a long amount of time depending on how many times you slam them.

How’s the single target damage on that? Good for boss killing at all?

imo, and this is speculation, when rank 8-10 comes out Psycho will start to lose ground damage wise to the new classes.

The main issue I see is that Pole and PP while amazing, are both channeling spells which is a bit wonky to work around in a rotation with the assumingly amazing new skills from the new classes.

I mean, sure they might release a class whose CDs fit just right in BUT the chances are alot lower than, let’s say, Elementalists who can just burn their CDs without much thought.

Well, in the worst case scenario, Kino spells also offer good CC!

Haven’t tried PVP yet, but I know it can CC a player for a long amount of time while smashing him around.

Bosses are immune to Telekinesis. However, Telekinesis does deal quite a bit of damage to single target. You can also do a lot of cool stuffs with Telekinesis, such as bring a stray enemy back to the spell-meat-grinder created by your Elementalist teammate, or throw a fireball around.

To be honest, the current end-game classes other than Chrono mage seem like ass anyway.

Necro? Nah. Chrono 3 has no synergy with that.

Warlock? Boring ass evil spirits with some mediocre ass-looking spells. Nope.

Featherfoot? Only thing cool looking is the bone that points towards enemies. The rest is up-close meh-lookin spells. Nope.

Alchemist? Money making stuff. Meh.

Rune-caster: Meh. Long channels, weird spells that boost ice stuff and protect teammates, sure. This is probably the only class I would ever consider late-game other than Psychokino 3.

Well you can still try to go for it. Then if you feel like “I NEED MORE ATTACK SKILLS”, drop the Chrono plan.

I think Cryo and Kino are around the same level in PvP. Cryos don’t have to channel their skills and Subzero is pretty serious, but freezes are easily countered by Plague Doctors. Kino work through Plague Doctors but they have to channel their skills, leaving them vulnerable.

In PvE… I dunno. Kino’s Gravity Pull range and target count is quite limited compared to the tree. Raise nullifies allies’ ground-based attacks. But Kino-Chrono has the ability to do PP-Pass-PP, which sounds super cray

Also by R8, while you’re getting your Kino3, Cryo3s have the freedom to add something new.

But yeah, I’d say go for it! For PP-Pass-PP!

edit: and please take a loot at the build I posted. That Pass 1 is just… :scream::dizzy_face::skull_crossbones:

Edit: Wow what did I mean by PP-Pass-PP LOL not nuff sleep

Right now yes I agree they don’t look very exciting but when rank 8 hits we won’t just have C2/3 of them, we will also have 2 new C1 classes that might suck or not who knows.

If you look at Pyromancer and how much his damage falls off at lvl200+ we can speculate that the same might happen to Kino’s damage at, let’s say, 300+? At the end of the day, Kino is a rank3 class after all. But like I said before, Kino at least brings alot of CC so it might age well like Cryo for that.

Oh yeah of course, that Pass 1 was a mistake. I know full well to max that.

But yeah, the PP > Pass >> PP is what’s got me all hot and bothered. Seems like a l33t strategy to do for a supportive chronomage.

Maybe i’ll flip a coin on the build though. Heads I go Cryo 3 Chrono 3. Tails I go Wiz 2 Kino 2 Chrono 3.

All of chrono’s buffs work on Necromancer’s summons.

Yeah, but only 1 circle of Necro? Doesn’t sound too efficient for rank 8.

Oh goodness no, you can’t be both. but necros absolutely love having a chrono nearby.

Which is what I was pointing out when I listed the different classes doe

wiz3 > ele1 > link1 > thau2

im trying this path.