Tree of Savior Forum

Discarding exp cards

I reached max level and tried to discard my exp cards however it simply is impossible to do so once you reached max level, I tried to use them but that is also impossible for the same reason. Is there any way to fix that ?

Wait for IMC to release Rank 9 to use them :cold_sweat:


Why would you want to discard EXP cards Oo?

Their weight 0 and don’t clog up your inventory, because there’s the maximum amount of 14 different cards (Lv 1 - Lv14).
At Rank 9 you’ll want as many cards as possible to get the next 15 Class levels…

:man_facepalming: be happy you cant drop them and be patient…

like Delatour said, rank 9 will give you an opportunity to use them…

if you could drop them you would complain about why you can drop them and then not having cards for R9