Tree of Savior Forum

Disappointed on IMC's announcements. Pls be professional

LOL at server capacity & stability :joy:

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Now that i read it myself it does sound pretty ■■■■■■■ funny :joy:

What’s with all that 9/11 imagery. I mean sure go ahead and give your opinion but was it really necessary to use those imagery to illustrate your points?

Telsiai does not need casual plebians to infest our servers. You are like a plague that we wish to avoid. Please stick to varena and wait in queue like the pleb you are. If you did not pay for exclusive access to founder servers you should stay out. Telsiai will settle for a niche and small group of players who are actually interested in this game despite its many flaws. Build a wall and keep the plebs out #maketelsiaigreatagain.

Thou shall not take the bait

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So which part did they lie about? or being unprofessional?

Not trying to defend, but the OP’s message is too butt hurt or angry when posting, im angry too my friends can’t play in Telsiai. but from the announcement that they make a mistake and already say they still haven’t have any solid announcement on the Telsiai f2p, and sincere apologies, you just being a jerk here instead. Where ever did you make up your mind that they making Telsiai exclusive for founders server.

Is still under temporary, i just dont get your rage, yes they make mistake, and the APOLOGIES.

damn jerks in the internets


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Keep the trash off the streets to make it clean. The disgusting plebs need to be barred from Telsiai. The day TOS went live was the day most bots got flushed out of Telsiai. Now botting is a minor and more manageable issue. Opening the floodgates would see bots and plebs rushing in and destroying our pristine server. VOTE YES FOR EXCLUSIVITY #MakeTelsiaiGreatAgain.

They are being professional by not letting a HUGE crownd of player to join a server noone is going to be able to log cuz is already full.

Wow this is straight out discrimination right here. Get your facts straight, you don’t have the right to complain since you’ve already got the benefits in which you paid for which is the EARLY access.

Don’t you have any other stock gif of collapsing buildings that isn’t a national tragedy.

EDIT: Wow okay, I was assuming you were from SEA thus the indifference but then just saw your profile that you were from Saudi Arabia. Well this just makes a whole lot of sense now. Carry on then.

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9/11 was staged, same with some of the bombings :smiling_imp:
we are like living in the limbo world…you dont know which is fake and real lol

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“FYI, 9/11 is not done by terrorist from KSA or what media or the US government wants you to believe…”

I didn’t say they did. I’m just saying I can see where your lack of nuance comes from. I’ve already excuse your usage of the gif so you should move along now.

EDIT: LOL you didn’t need to add more explanation to justify who did and did not do 9/11. It doesn’t really matter, it wouldn’t change my opinion that I find those gif in this context distasteful. But like I said, I can understand where you are coming from and why you used it. But surely you have plenty of other stock gifs.

i know right? US is a fraud

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DAYUM 10 YEARS OLD FIGHTING Again! Popcorn time!

VOLVO GIVE DIRETIDE … hmm i mean iMC GIVE TELSIAI F2P ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ