Tree of Savior Forum

Disappointed on IMC's announcements. Pls be professional

“Elitist” argument is invalid. Most people complained about Telsiai getting opened simply because Telsiai is already overpopulated and laggy as hell (ping fluctuates from 80 to 1800 every now and then for players that are literally just a few kilometers away from server), and obviously these issues must be fixed before inviting a crap ton of new players.

Otherwise it’d result in non stop commanderloadfails, mission excess counts and 2000 pings.

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In the end they were still unprofessional announcing that, whatever comes next was just an excuse/afterword. Disappointment of F2P players is justifiable.

Take this!! ヽ(#`Д´)ノ┌┛〃∩ Hai Yahhh!!!

Hope Telsiai won’t turn back to early May Commander attack//Dungeon down soon.

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Yeah I agree. The server isn’t that ready yet for a wave of new people. I’ve been experiencing spikes as well and so does my in-game friends from SG. I’d just rather them find a way to have people to play with few of their friends at the very least. It isn’t that far numerous I believe compared to an open server.

I’m just still a bit saddened on that wrong announcement however.

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Actually EA was supposed to end on May 10th. So buying the DLC on the 9th is entirely your friends ignorance not knowing this crucial info that you’re complaining about (maybe entirely your fault for not telling them). Make things short, f2p was scheduled may 10th told people “hey guys, tesliai is not free yet. But new server is up for you. Yay”

You are another guy missing the point I said. T^T What I complaint is just that 6 days of exclusive access to force unpaid players paid for guaranteed access to play with their friends is too unfair and too soon.

That’s it, hope you understand my thought.

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Do you simply not get what EARLY ACCESS means? sure it would be a problem if it meant EXCLUSIVE ACCESS but its NOT. Soo what your metaphor should say is that “you bought a ticket to watch a concert BEFORE anyone else.” not watch the concert exclusively when the time comes got it?


And that’s just my example of disappointment on something you paid for but others can get it free so soon like Steam D/C. What do you guys upto arguing me with just an example?

why do you cover your mouth?

because its noisy? lol #20chartoonoisy

anyway if you missed reading this i post it again

and if i were you i would tell my friends to get a job so they can
afford to pay $10 for the early access to play a game. then you wont or
they wont be complaining abt stuff like this.

lol thought the topic was about IMC being unprofessional on announcing & then retracting F2P status for Telsiai, ended up 80% being about F2P vs Elitist. :sweat_smile:

Well I’ve accounts in both Telsiai & Varena & frankly I’m kinda glad they haven’t re-opened yet. Don’t get me wrong, for Telsiai server to survive F2P NEEDS to be reopened. But now with the server instabilities, re-opening now would be like committing double suicide for SEA servers.

I empathise for those that are disappointed in IMC’s announcement & that they can’t play with their friends in Telsiai, but even if IMC reopened Telsiai for F2P, Telsiai would be worst off then Varena since we have Telsiai’s already massive player base + new influx of F2P players. So pick your poison, be disappointed that you can’t play now or play now and be disappointed in a worst off server than Varena.

Then again there are those who think that if we’re facing sh-ty server issues, you should too! after all we have to be fair to everyone, right!? :smirk:

PS @dzn018 when companies announce temporarily it usually means NOT PERMANENT, not a short while, it could be days, weeks, months or years if they wanted to lol.


Dude~ what we paid for was not Exclusive access. It was EA, Early access. Meaning we had the privilege to have a head start before anyone else that didnt pay. Telsiai is supposed to be the only SEA server planned after Early access (and be completely free on may 10th). But due to server overload they made a quick change and open a new server. Temporary closed tesliai for f2p players, but the plan was really to open it after a month of EA.

In conclusion. Should we blame IMC for this? Not really. Although they made a last min changes it was a logical thing to do to temporarily close a server that is about to burst and open a new one. Hope I have enlightened you. Good day


I’m toothpicking after lunch…

Thats IMC is true with Granado Espada. Not ToS :frowning:

First of all…

Why would IMC open up a Founders server when Varena is still struggling to be stable due to influx of people trying to get in. If they open the floodgates for Telsiai, it will drag down the server too, making two servers having all sorts of problems.

Why are these free-2-play players now feel entitled they should be on the Founders server? First of all, you guys never put any money in when IMC needed you the most.