Tree of Savior Forum

Diminishing RETURNS?

havnt you ever heard of Diminishing Returns?
It is impossible to play when monsters/players can just freeze you for 5 seconds, hit u. then freeze you again for 5 seconds. and again and again and again… till you die!!!
The effect should be reduced by half if its casted 2nd time (or 3rd or 4th and so on) within 12 seconds or so from the previuse cast… NON_STOP CROWD CONTROL (CC) is plain stupid…
Be adviced.

Yes, and it is called ‘Diminishing returns’.

I have not experienced any DR as far as PvE goes, as for PvP I dunno. I have not tried out larger scale PvP yet.

And I am not quite sure if this game needs DR or not, because if this game has DR then this game will just move closer to being what WoW PvP is today, and I don’t really know if that is the path that this game should be moving towards.

The easiest way to avoid most of them completely, is to learn the mechanics and rotations of said fight and “juke” most of the CC.
There are also different scrolls and what not so far, that makes you can get to get out of CC and or remove a status.
And lastly this also promotes the aid of a support player, as they are complaining a little bit about how they are not getting enough love from this game.

We’ll see how the DR is on max level PvP(if any) once Team Battle League comes out and alot more players with different classes start participating actively at max level. -_-.

Any game that has mobs able to stunlock you with status effects needs DR.


Not necessarily, also I have not felt that I have been “stunlocked”, I have seen alot worse during my arena years in WoW.

Here many CC’s can be completly avoidable with a bit of brainpower, that is not always the case in other games were DR is implented as the CC themselves are more or less on autoaim if within range.

I have had groups petrify/freezelock me to near death in a couple of areas, and more than 1 boss lock me into a chain of knockdowns.
I agree that it can be avoided with knowledge of the enemy (though the playstyle necessary to avoid it in certain situations is an extreme bore in this game). However, I do not agree that there should not be a system in place to ensure a single easy hit won’t lead to a chain of frustration and gem loss.

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the knockdown chain is the thing I hate the most, specially with lag D:

you get hit… fly… land on back… stand up and guess what, before you can react you are flying again…

repeat until you are dead or escape by some miracle

better than the level 136 small stupid little tiny flying robot with one eye that shoot blue shiny freezing thing that freeze you for 2-3 sec then another will freez you again while the other is hitting you hard with 600 damage per hit till you die. :joy::joy: i was so pissed off that when ever I saw one coming I throw everything at it who cares about the skill cooldown… I don’t want to see him infront of me.

Thats exactly the moment I wrote this post :>

DR would probably end up working for players and screw some classes.

IMC could add an internal cooldown for mobs, so when one use a CC skill like those machines, no other one can use it again for a few seconds.

If you hate getting stun locked or frozen, buy dispeller scrolls on the market house or from a pardoner~

Alternatively, request that IMC design their game better.