Tree of Savior Forum

Dievdirby skill bug [Carve World Tree] (yet another bug)

Before the maintenance world tree silences enemies inside it’s radius, it also prohibits them from normal attacking.

Now mobs inside the world tree can attack AND cast skills, it literally does nothing now.


You can see that mobs can now attack and cast skills (ice pike).

I would also like to restate the bug about laima still not being able to reduce non-overheat skill cooldowns without the use of hotkey methods (weapon swapping / equipment unequipping requipping) or placing a zemyna statue.



can confirm, world tree bugged

is bug, that does nothing now

Needs a fix ASAP/revert the changes from the patch. Nothing that was “fixed” is as important as this ability working for dievs. Growling broken is probably part of the same “fix”.

No it’s not about jumping, here’s another video I made previously

The reason I can jump is because I’m already done casting the skill. I’m a diev 3 and have been for so long I think I know what is and isn’t a bug.

I can post more videos if you want, you should try testing something first before telling other people who have tested it (with evidence) your theory-crafting.

In my observations previously world tree had two icons, one being the actual world tree icon and another is the sword with the cancel similar to the debuff icon you see when your near [Restraint Attack] totems.

I think they tried to merge the two debuff icons into the world tree icon which probably backfired.

Maybe. Earlier (some 10 hours ago) while I was questing I did find it a bit odd that said totems were not hindering me from attacking or casting inside their debuff zone.

I want nothing. I’m not a developer. I tried to help, if I dont had helped in anything, fine.

I will just delete my comment. good luck

Yep, broken as fuk, the statue does nothing now. IMC may aswell remove diev from the game at this pace…

Yup, kTOS had this change recently too. ( although it didn’t have this abnormal outcome as a result! )

it’s icbt2 all over again :v

why even diev for pve now. rip.

this needs to be fixed asap please…

I apologize for the inconvenience this issue have brought.
After, I’ve already informed above issue to our dev team then we’ve already fixed it out and will be applied for next patch. If you have any other concern, let us know and we’ll gladly assist you.

Faithfully, STAFF_MAX


So, I hope these bugs will be fixed by tomorrow… Thanks :smile_cat:

Greetings, @kyle_ruiz6
Congratulate savior on your topic has been highlighted as the best example topic with detailed information of it. We always welcome your valuable report regarding to the bug of carve world tree skill for us.
The Colored tag is being tested in Bug Report Category only.
And then will be classified with the colors making our players identify bugs much clearly.
Once again, thank you for your detailed and supported report
that will fix very soon. :wink: We are already aware of the issue and our development team has already finished fixing out. Thanks for reading :blush: