Tree of Savior Forum

Diev/PD Oracle/Druid or meta Miko?

I´m not sure what should i pick after Diev c3.

Is Telepath usefull in Pvp?
The skill looks so cool …

Same goes for oracle how usefull is just 1 Circle Oracle for pvp?

And is this still viable for et?

Or should i better use miko as safe pick?

So many Questions sorry its my first Cleric…

Go oracle. Resistant to most cc debuffs.

Miko has been nerfed on gohei.

Druid telepath is really cool but only nice on 1x1

Well on pve and for et miko with diev is viable

What was the nerf on gohei?

Oracle is a fantastic C1 class, you get a lot of utility out of it. Prophecy gives immunity to level 1 debuffs, counterspell stops all sorts of nasty effects, and you get to mess around with mobs and loot as a bonus.

Miko is a must for PvP, or so I hear. Being able to wipe every enemy’s buffs and allied debuffs is incredibly useful. For leveling, Hamaya is a solid damage dealer on R7-R8 mobs. Not to mention Clap extending the duration of your Diev statues.

If you could, I’d say to take both, but I don’t think that’ll work since you’re going PD.

Don´t work on Murmillo Cassis Crista, Featherfoot Levitation, Falconer Hanging Shot, Sage Missile Hole.

Work Awkward on Kabbalist Revenged Sevenfold (Somethimes you get damage when dispel it)

Don’t seem to blocks frontal attack when perform the animation of Gohei anymore

The range of action seem less wider than before

And dont ask for patch notes or any source of the info of changes in the forum, you just gonna get trolled…

The changes started to feel from the update of the 21 of March and it is not clear to me if they were intentional or errors of the update.

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It never worked on missile hole.

And being able to dispel the others is retarded.

Gohei only works on Level 1 buffs and debuffs, doesn’t it? Dunno about Levitation and Missile Hole, but I’m pretty sure those other two are second-level buffs.

What kind of armor should i use?
Virtov plate or Cloth or are the new hg stuff better?

new hg stuff is easier and better than virtov