Tree of Savior Forum

Did Stats really make a difference?

One of the most informative posts I’ve seen about stats so far. Now I’m undecided on what I want to put for my stats distribution instead of full INT seeing as the stats overall seem VERY balanced before stat allocation.

You said that a DEX build vs CON build for a Wiz would be better but the only upside I see to that is evasion (not saying it’s not good) but the accuracy and critical chance makes it seem a bit lackluster for a wiz seeing as they don’t really need those two things. Since CON increases weight limit as well as HP and apparently Critical Resistance which would seriously hamper the critical attack builds of archers and swordsman, isn’t that a better choice?

You are right and it also increases HP-Regen. CON seems like a good investment all around.

I dunno whether some Wizard classes might not actually profit from the critical chance. Magic in general does not seem to crit, but I have seen people say that some of their spells do crit for whatever strange reason.

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pure dex? lol… no dex/con :]

Actually - this is only my guess but - I think that a mix between Con and Dex should be viable on some classes because of the wide array of stats that both of these give.

As a STR-based class you can make use of CON for synergy with your extra Pdef or just for some extra survivability and still use Dex to reach high critical rates and accuracy for your attacks. The evasion from DEX once in a while would just be a little extra to it.

A build like 1:1:1 (STR:CON:DEX) doesn’t seem all that bad. At least with the right gem+equip choices made.