Tree of Savior Forum

Dexterity: Probably the Best Stat in game

Ah, well thank you for your honest opinions.

I’m just gonna assume that you agreed in loving the archers circle classes. I appreciate the thought.

You’re welcome. Good luck.

Oh no I’m not implying it’s OP at all… I mean like what Edward said, archers still get killed by Magic Attacks at best so yea…

If anything Archers like me are trash, abusing this single splendid stat and farming mobs with little to no effort at all… I’m just nothing compared to you warriors and mages that really does their best and works really hard on leveling, which I really admire… You have so much Hope ahead of your path and it’s amazing <3

I wish they enable world pvp…so I can kill you when you’re trying to be a bot -_-

If it makes you feel good killing me because I’m holding down the Z button that’s fine with me… A trash like me deserves it at that point anyways, abusing such a mechanic with a class with just one masterful stat. I just wish killing me would fill you up with Hope and continue on and be the best you can become. :slight_smile: v

Its the same stat as AGI in IMC’s Granado Espada. AGI in Granado Espada increase a small amount of both range and melee damage, increases attack speed, increases evasion, increases block rate.

Oh wow that’s just amazing! Doesn’t make sense on the block rate though? I guess the character is too Agile that it can block hits? :open_mouth: But that’s nice, they can dodge attacks as well as Block them if one ever get through.

Imagine if Dex in ToS would also increase Attack Speed? That would be fantastic!

just ■■■■-post in Disguise… move along.

Do not worry, they will nerf that for sure, Maplestory is the same, people wanted to hold the Z key until they fixed it that after …10-15 attacks you will stop, because it might look as a bot or a keypresser.

strength gives your crits more damage, i imagine later you will need it.

You are fixed on Ragnarok, DEX include critical chance, but critical DMG is increased by STR.

int increase attack / sp / and aoe ratio

Aoe ratio = your aoe spells can hit 5 ppl if im right with every +1 aoe ratio you can hit one more so 6 than but not every int stat increase gets you a aoe ratio i believe every 20 or something like that.

Oh wow, that’s great data! Thank you for your information :3

You really don’t, you can use gems to increase your Crit damage and never touch STR. Also if you are a class like Krivis that as a Crit damage buff that’s worth like 50-100 points of str then STR is even more useless.

The real problem here is that having BOTH ACCURACY AND CRITICAL RATE ON THE SAME STAT it’s a terrible, terrible idea.

It centralizes the game around criticals because of how everyone has access to it without sacrificing anything else.

“I want to have more accuracy.”
“Oh, I have some free critical chance now!”
“Then lets focus my build on criticals just like literally everyone else.”

ah, and don’t forget Evasion… Dex also increase evasion… It’s amazing right?

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Whats the point of Dex if you have no crit power? Str gives all teh crit powers.

So going mostly Dex gives more criticals, but it turns into ■■■■ coz no crit power.

I like where this is going :smile: Planning to create an archer for PVE this coming CBT. Let’s go for dex :fist:

lol, speaking of necromancy ^^

Don’t fall for the dex noobtrap. Or fall for it and enjoy every moment of it, who am I to tell you what to do xD Here’s a mushroom :mushroom:

Yeah I guess I’ll just enjoy it for the moment. :smile: Just love the fact that it hits 3 birds in one stone. I’ll take the mushroom.