Tree of Savior Forum

DEX or CON for Chrono

I took advantage of the reset event that just took place to get a rank reset voucher, I think I’m going to become chrono+cryo to be the best I can be when it come to control.
The problem is I’m not sure if I should re-invest some stat points in CON or if I should put them in DEX instead because, as you probably know, “Haste” gives you a good amount of evasion and it might be better to have a lot of evasion than some block and some evasion.
What do you think ?
Thanks in advance.

Hm. Before anything, what is your current build? I’m assuming you went Enchanter for R8 since you’re considering Auto-Attacks? Supposing you’re building this unit for Velcoffer (and any future high-difficulty content supposing the trend continues), CON will probably be the most important followed by SPR, otherwise you can go full INT and maybe 0-50 CON without worries as most of your damage will inevitably come from your weapon. DEX is unimportant. However, you will need a source of at most 360 SPR due to how the Chronomancer buffs work. At 360 SPR* The ASpd you get from the Chronomancer is more than enough for an AA build

Speculation bout ASpd I'm not certain of this, but it may infact be more efficient than stacking DEX if solely considered as a source of ASpd. This is because we don't know what the numbers on the Haste skill mean when converted to ASpd, which is a hidden value]

As for defenses, if you go enchanter, the skill Enchant Earth gives you a free Block Chance regardless of whether you have a shield. The skill Agility could also be useful supposing you fancy more defense but I rarely see people talking about it. However, as a CryoChrono, your main source of defense is your massive repertoire of CC skills from those two classes. Just keep the enemies frozen, stopped or otherwise incapacitated to prevent yourself from receiving damage.

*note that this is equivalent to the current level cap and will increase with future content that raises the level cap

I was thinking about going wiz1-cryo3-chrono3-sorc2 putting 80% of my stat in SPR to have compartimentalized high damage through the summon and high control through the rest.
I know sorc is not that competitive, but I think the build is worth the try, since there is so much synergy.

Hm. I’m not quite familiar with Sorc mechanics so I’ll have to refer you to The Sorcerer Megathread.

Otherwise, you’ll want to go full SPR with that build of yours. All summons now benefit from SPR, aside, of course, from the MAtk from your staff or rod. Since Chronomancer and Sorcerer both scale with SPR, you’re in luck.

Just a heads up: be aware that you may encounter difficulties finding a team for certain content, like Challenge Mode for example. The reason behind this is that the Summons tend not to be quite durable until a certain level of SPR and general funding is reached. As such, some people are reluctant to take sorcerers in. Although this is not too widespread a problem, it would be wise to expect it.

all sorc builds will use full spr with a strong weapon.

spr increases summon damage by %. Summon damage is also affected by WEAPON ATTACK VALUE.

True, but the difference in damage between 300<-SPR, 60<-CON is real small but you survive quite more easely.
At least, I think so, I might be wrong…

That may not actually be the case since one point in SPR increases the summon’s Atk by 0.3% so splitting that 60 is about 20% dmg loss. Since the stat acts as a multiplier and only applies to Atk (I do not know if we’ve arrived at a consensus on how it affects Def and HP) the higher your summon’s Atk or, say, your Rod’s M.Atk, that number could be big so consider carefully. (For comparison, 3x lvl10 Glass Moles/Chapparition is +30% Atk)

It’s actually much easier to acquire CON from gear. Supposing you manage to find a decent set (+40 on each relevant stat) of Primus armors carrying INT, SPR, CON stats, or even just CON, SPR, you get about 160 SPR and CON. Considering also that you’ll be getting rods and shields, that’s another 80 to each stat (+40 from Rod, +40 from Shield), that’s a total of 240 SPR and CON. If you’re concerned about HP, the amount of CON from each item results in 67k HP.

Regarding the importance of CON during your levelling phase, it’s never necessary. The only reason you’d go CON is if your goal is PvP or Velcoffer, with the latter requiring highly specialized characters. If you feel uncomfortable with having low-ish HP while levelling, don’t hesitate speccing into CON by say, 0-50 points. If you have a stat reset, you can just switch the numbers around when you’re confident about your gear.

Important thing to add: CON isn’t that much required on Velcoffer for most good parties and as this content gets old it will be even less needed.

I only have added 30 CON on a DPS Wizard (too late to change back and it isn’t that much), rest of characters are Full SPR/INT/DEX and they do fine with 4xT10 +11 Solmiki Armor Cloth Set and being in a good party, being decently aware of Velcoffer attack patterns and learning how to jump therm.

Thanks for all the help, I didn’t know there was such a difference for so few stats.