Tree of Savior Forum

Devil Card? and general build question

I realllly love pet/summoner type classes… but curious how hard is it to get a devil card?

the build question.

Wiz-Wiz-Wiz- Linker (just for linking monsters together) Sorc- Sorc - Sorc.

would that work for decent solo play and be able to do okay dps in party play? Was going to go Bokor… but sadly i see them being usless in dungeon play since the zombies move slow and you need things to die before you get the zombies…so Sorc it is!

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it’s not that hard as devil type bosses are really common…

if you fail to get it from quest, you can always hunt down the boss on the field or play a card game with the extra or non devil type bosses cards you might have…

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Ahh thanks :slight_smile: “card” always has me worried… due to a certain game I played where cards were insanely rare.

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Have you tried using sorc before? Its ez to get dev card coz it was given to you after quest, 100% i think. You also get one at dunngeon and world boss. Last option would be asking a friend or someone to battle you on card game and make them lose a game so you can have the card you want.

Also, drop the c3 sorc, i think it’s not worth it. Go for featherfoot or warlock or make your linker c2.

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The only thing you best hope is that you don’t dc after killing a boss in quest, redoing it won’t give you another one

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OoO I was looking at warlock mainly for the outfit. it’s adorable~


Yeah warlock’s outfit is really cute, hard choice to pick between the 2 rank 7 classes
black balls or blood :v

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All Sorc use temple shooter lol so you have to hunt bosses anyway

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Its a pretty good strategic build as long you remember that your job is to command your summon not attack by yourself.
keeping your summon active uses a lot of Sp, but its worth it, if you go for summoner avoid casting damage spells, theyre a waste of sp you will need, the summons deal a ridiculous ammount of damage on area, focus on CC or buffs.

I personally think buffing your minion and letting it run wild is better than linking enemies, but if you lik theem your summon wil pretty much hitkill them.

Youll have fater sorc 2 achoice between sorc 3 and warlock, Ill explain the advantages of both on 2 separated posts

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Sorc 3

you can get summoning up to 15
summoning lvl 10 (limit for sorc2) gives your summon: 1.3Xspi and int as bonus to defense and atack.
At level 15: 1.8xspi and int as bonus to defense and atack.

evocation: summon your secondary minion to use a skill of it
1553 damage on lvl1, 75 sp, 55s cooldown
2506 damage on lvl 5 , 135 sp, 55 s cooldown

desmodus: summons a ave of vapmire bats to suck enemy blood
LVL1: 893 atack, 59 sp, 25 seconds cooldown
LVL5: 2012 attack, 89 SP, 25 seconds cooldown

Sorcerer: SP Recovery

Increases the character’s SP recovery rate by 1 per attribute level.

MAX lvl 100

Sorc level 3 is a powerhouse, the lack of offensive skills on ranks 1 and 2 is solved with high damage low cost skills and low cooldowns.
The summon stops being a overpowered pet and becomes an almost unstopable juggernaut with tjhe help of the sp recovery attribute. They last longer and you can let they use theyr natural regeneration to heal after battles, the attribute alopows you to hit a softcap were you regen more sp tahn youc onsume with the minion so you can keep iot as long as you want and still reocver sp for skills.

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Warlock 1:

pole of agony: overrated skill, the damage is high but the duration is too short and the cooldown is ridiculous. not worth it all other warlock skill deal more dama on the same ammount of time because of the cooldown, also the spirits they create stack well with sorc skills.

Invocation: warlock bread an butter, fills the field with dark spirits to defen you and atack you enemies, its fireball big cousin with his friends and used for all the other skills. also it have some really nasty attributes.

Dark surge: this thing is ridiculous, 607 damage, protects you, dutration of 30 seconds and only 66 sp and thats on LVL 1! Also the damage is for each sprit you summoned, this things is probably tthe highest damage potential in the game and even nastier attributes.

mastema: low cooldown, lots of damage and gives weakness to holy attacks. The attributes makes it even more dangerous.

evil scrifice: a must have. only has 1level and sends all the pirits to swarm a area. Guess what? also have attributes to make it even more dangerous!

usefull Attributes:

Name Darkness Attack
Increases the damage of a Dark property attack dealt on an enemy by 1% per attribute level.

(AKA buffs all warlock and your summon attacks)

Name Dark Theurge: Create Evil Spirit Dark Surge
Bonus Effect SP +30
Creates an evil spirit with [Dark Theurge] at a 0.4% chance per attribute level to the enemy’s position.

(it means you can have an army)

Name Dark Theurge: Darkness
Effect SP +26
Enemies hit by [Dark Theurge] have a 1% chance per attribute level to be afflicted with [Darkness] for 10 seconds.

(now the overpowered ability blinds yey!)

Name Dark Theurge: Enhance
Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Dark Theurge] by 1% per attribute level.

Invocation: Deliver
Effect SP +38
Increases the Darkness property attack by 5% per attribute level of allies who are nearby the created evil spirit of [Invocation]. The owner of who casted the evil spirit receives double the effect.
(even more buffs to you summon)

Invocation: Enhance
Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Invocation] by 1% per attribute level.

Mastema: Enhance
Increases the damage dealt on an enemy with [Mastema] by 1% per attribute level.

Mastema: Reduced Threat Mastema Active
Effect SP +15
Reduces the aggressiveness of enemies hit by [Mastema] by 1% per attribute level.
(Reduces aggro0

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For those who are too lazy to read my posts before:

Sorc 3: unstopable summon that can be summoned again as soon it dies and can spam high damage low cost/cooldown spells as long theyre not in cooldown.
Can keep the summon active all times and summon the secondary one to do damage.
Unless the player is extremily stupid will never be out of SP.
Bad side: is expensive.

Warlock: In addition to the boss can summon a horde of dark spirits.
needs lots of SP.
have a great sinergy with sorc skills and some attributes buff not only its skills but also the summon.
lots of secondary negatives effects on enemies.
if combined with sorcerer the mix of skills and attributes makes it the highest damage potential on the game with low cooldowns its can constantly damage if it wants or just sit and watch every one else die.

bad side: uses a ton of Sp, if you wat to create one youll need to focus on it from the begining.
its a decent mix of classes, but inorder to reach its full potential youll need to spend ridiculous ammounts of silver on attributes,a full sorc2 warlock 1 will probably a guild investment, but worth it.

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Is it really necessary to go C2 for Sorc to be effective? Or can C1 somehow manage?
Sorry if you don’t want this question here esper.

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I dont think Sorc 1 is really worth, too much sp use not great damage, the boss willl be pretty weak in comparison with the other classes skills (untill lvl 6 opr 7 its weaker) and no decent attributes.

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I see.
Thanks for the info dude! :slight_smile:

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