Tree of Savior Forum

Derf's level 200 Support Hybrid Summoner Guide [Sorcerer / Necromancer]

A lot of talk about flares and fireballs in the comments however you probably won’t even have time to cast fireball at higher levels. People underestimate how fast things move. you can get off 2 maybe 3 spells before the pack is dead and you are on to the next one. I’m not spending that time running up and casting fireball etc. I’m linking, knotting, while templeshooter is attacking, if he didn’t one shot them as he does on 70% of the mobs you encounter, flame ground kills them because they take double damage from being linked. They also take double damage from templeshooter. Fireball is literally the last spell i cast if everything else is on CD. You will be auto attacking more then you will be casting spells because your summon is constantly draining your SP, if you cast too many spells that your potions can’t keep up with your SP usage you lose your summon. At what point in your rotation do things you are farming die? You link, knot, swell, flame ground, fireball, and flare, all while your summons are hitting them. The answer is like 3 seconds after you swell everything explodes and you are on to the next pack. You are a summoner, let your summons do the heavy lifting for you. Set it up for them, get your bonus exp and drop your flame ground, repeat. Its sustainable and works on everything. If you want to be a nuker, be a nuker, don’t take the summon classes. The reason you don’t make a “fireball centric” build is because in any group or boss the melee knock your fireballs away from the boss or mobs with their attacks. you can say well what if i link the fireball, the link to the fireball is one less mob that is getting linked meaning you are killing slower.

Thats my 2 cents on it. It’s your character and build it how you like, the point of the build is to be a support who can still deal good dps while providing double exp for the group, as well as yourself when you solo. you link, you buff, you knot, you swell. Things explode and you get a lot of exp for it. The people in my group last night were getting a level an hour @ level 184 Which is the highest exp levels currently in the game. If you use this build people will seek you out to be in their group because without you they get half exp and kill slower for that -50% exp. Your summons deal a ton of damage and require no input from you to do so. Your levelling is easier, finding groups is easier, soloing is easier. Life is easy. I just thought i would share my build because i probably put more time in with it then most people actually played the game. We grinded 19 hours a day the first 5 days then i didn’t have cards saved up when i hit the exp wall. Instead of quitting i just said screw it and grinded through it. hours and hours of just grinding on random maps and random mobs. It gives you a lot of time to perfect your method and learn what is good and what isn’t, and how to maximize the results, then when i hit 200, i kept playing, running dungeons, power levelling people. I have 0 icoins and everyone on my steam asks me how i have so few coins when they have 3 - 4 hundred. It’s because i have respecced so many times testing different builds and stat configurations until i landed on this one. I have never had a problem killing anything, never had mana problems, never had an issue on a boss, or with surviving.

I just wanted to take my experience and effort and share it with the community so that someone else can enjoy it. I hope you guys enjoy it and can take something away to add to your perfect build or change it to fit your own playstyle, it is by no means a be all end all do this type of thing. Just what i found worked after hours and hours of playtime.


really appreciate the input,
the fireball discussion is relevant to me, since i plan on soloing a lot, and i wasn’t sure if i wanted to go thaumaturge.
how strong is the thauma buff? strong enough to offset a second rank of pyro around level 80? bossfights tend to be a pain as pyro:> linker, even with high int, so if the thauma buff is not getting mitigated and applies fully to every tick of flame ground that might be enough

i was asking about your sp consumtion exactly for the reason you described before: can it sustain linking/ knotting and flameground/ fireballs?
and apparently it can’t. this changes the approach to the setup

It can support a fireball or 2 as i have used them when like something didn’t get linked but got pulled so didn’t get the double damage with no impact to my overall pool. however if every pull you are trying to cast 6 or 7 spells, (i was referencing casting fireballs and spamming flare) you will find yourself in a situation where your SP dwindles while levelling at max level right now the potions are so good its like 60% of my pool because i kept my pool really small. however when i was levelling i had to balance what i casted for minimal downtime and that was the rotation i found i could sustain myself 100% the thauma buff is there for partying i rarely buff myself with it mostly because i am lazy. Swell is the real shining star if you are thinking of soloing a lot. you will level 2x as fast as anyone else.

you are right, i should manage leveling with swell and link, maybe i should consider partying to get through those rough times in pyro 1^^

Very nice guide!

If I had seen this before the iCBT I would most definetly have made a pyro + linker instead of a cryo + psycho to become a summoner. I thought it would be a good idea to control mobs with cryo skills and kill them with the summon, and I would even combo psychic pressure with all of it. Turns out the cooldowns and the SP cost of my build were really really high, and the freezing time and chance are not even that great, so in the end there’s not much synergy, although I still think that cryo + psycho alone is a very strong combo as you can definetly obliterate everything with ice wall + psychic pressure (but only once every 45 seconds and praying not to get hit while using pressure LOL).

For what I’ve seen of linker, it is one of the best wizard classes to get at some point of your build, it is really powerful on a party or even while soloing, and it indeed combos very nicely with pyro. I hope it doesn’t get nerfed.

So yeah, there’s my input as a sorcerer who took a different path. Since this topic is a guide I hope this post helps someone who’s in doubt between the two combination of classes.

I have one question about something you said, are staffs really the best choice? I’ve seen a lot of wizards using Arde Dagger + Wand so I tested both options myself and the second one really did more damage. Does this changes later on when you get the lvl 170 weapons?

I have since edited the guide. I forgot Arde dagger existed because an item that gives 150 fire damage is crazy insane. Grab that and an arch rod / ignition until galitunis or servent rod is in the game.

honestly, I cant say if this is good or not…

you took every single chance you had to get a new class, and that gives you soo many skills… and you dont have any SP… I wonder if this is really viable or not, I just cant understand

You did a great job explaining the best attributes, specially with linker, since nobody can read what the attributes do…

imagine arde would work with summons… these items are pretty much op for everything that isn’t locked into using 2h weapons.

Here we go again with the ‘secret’ grinding spot, you guys are just being greedy, it’s not really that huge of a secret if you go watch people streaming then you can plot out the grinding spots. Anyway seems like your eagerness to reach level 200 made you overlook some of the inner workings of being a mage.

Spr helps a lot specially being a Sorc since not only it boost your maximum mp but gives your summon a bit of defense (and since not everyone has a godly group like yours, getting your summon to tank for you, it need good defense) Secondly, while summoning does drain max mp making claim stacking mp is bad, the extra pool of mp helps so you can use skills to help your summon (flame ground/joint/reflect) Plus if you know how to manage your mp, you shouldn’t have your summon up at all times, specially when you can clear the mobs just fine with just a joint and fireball.

Third, the extra mp recovery from spr on top of servant buff plus your attribute will boost your regen by almost 100 per tick, and this is important. I can full regen my 3k sp in just about 10 second and I can have my summon up for a good 2-3 mins. So that’s just a downtime for 10-20 sec for an up time of 2-3 mins.

And lastly, you don’t even know how that joint penalty attribute works. IT DOESN’T BOOST ALL YOUR DAMAGE BY 100%, not even 20% all it does is when you use joint, you will deal 100% of your magic attack as damage once. So you are looking at 300-500 damage only. Try toggling it on and off, the only thing that changes is your hangman does damage when it’s on and doesn’t boost anything.

I only see this thread is nothing but a ‘OH LOOK I AM LEVEL 200’ bragging thread. Heck you even put it in the title. Next time, less bragging and more experimenting.


woaw. nice guide. thanks. i will consider this when OBT starts. :wink:
how can you manage to survive solo grinding/questing with only potions at hand?

Hangman’s knot will pull to the first enemy that was hit by Joint Penalty

This is not the case. Hangman’s Knot actually pulls all the units together to the spot of the target linked MOST CLOSE to you. I feel like this is pretty important to know to prevent confusion on its usage.

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this is correct, i was corrected by another member i have just forgotten to change it until now. I will do so at once, and thanks for the tip.

Derf could you list the equipments you used at lvl 120? Maybe 170 too?

very nice explanation, this is just what i need to build a necro based…
hmm but im little bit confused bout your build…this one
you’r not taking gather corpse and disinter…how could you collect corpse to be able casting sogoth or skel army?

here is some vid i found about being socerer-necro…yes they are really soloers player

with decent amount of potion, he really stomp all the mobs with his summons army…
and thats true keeping small pool of sp are a wise option being a summoner sorcerer

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you can buy corpse potions from the necromancer master as listed in the skills section.

at 200 i use,
zachariel bangle,
wizard bracelet,
you need a max pentamion for the bis neck but i use the quest one that gives +10 int
roxana robes and gloves
awakened grima pants
awakened scale boots
awakened elder rod
awakened arde dagger

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another question: do i have to kill the swelled minion in 10 seconds? Or the double xp/loot remains after they shrink again?

You have to kill before the swell buff wears off.

I’m a wiz/pyro/linker/Pyro would you recommend going for sorc/necro? I mean, I do not want to be a support mage. Most part of the time I’m soloing and I prefer to stay in this way. So, for damage propose would you recommend going for this end game path?

Personally i regret getting thaumaturge because it’s only useful on grinding parties and i only play with a peltasta friend that has no damage, so i never kill some swelled minions in time, but at the same time i don’t think pyro 2 would contribute much more, because when you become sorcerer you won’t be using offensive skills so often. When you get the lvl 50 left arm enhance you will hit a lot more with spells but it doesn’t change the summon’s attack. So i understand why Derf picked thaumaturge, there is no better option except for linker 2 in my opinion.