Tree of Savior Forum

Deleting messages from forum Inbox, blocking forum members

Recently a spammer has been spamming forum threads and spamming people’s forum inboxes.

  • Is there a way to block people such as they get ‘muted’ in front of your view?
    So any of their posts get hidden.
  • And a way to delete messages from Inbox so you don’t have to keep offending messages around?


Go to your profile -> Preferences . Down at the bottom of the page there’s an area with : Users
Write the name of the users you want to be muted for you(You won’t get any notifications about them once you do)

Wish there’s a less hidden way for that like from user page :sweat:

Now just for how to delete that message…

PMs are treated like private threads, so you can either:

  1. mute the PM ‘topic’ so that you will not receive notifications from it
  2. flag it for an admin to delete.

(This forum uses Discourse)

Tried 2)
Will do 1) and hope this spam can be deleted forever later

@iago_l augh too bad I can still see their posts so it solved the first half of my first request but there’s no way to hide their posts…

The post is really inappropriate as well…