Tree of Savior Forum

Deciding between Corsair+Shinobi class build

I’ve been thinking about it all night and I can’t decide whether I should do:

Swordsman x2 > Hoplite x2 > Corsair x2 > Shinobi

or Swordsman x2 > Barbarian x2 > Corsair x2 > Shinobi

or maybe Swordsman X3 > (???) > Corsair x2 > Shinobi – but I have heard this would be horrible.

Welcoming comments.

Swordsman X3 > peltast > Corsair x2 > Shinobi
probably the best shinobi build out there for PVP

Swordsman > Peltasta> Hoplite x2 > Corsair x2 > Shinobi
if u prefer PVE

I really don’t want Peltasta in my build on this character–

Can you explain why Swordsman x3 would be better than Swordsman 2 Barbarian 2?

and do you know what some popular Corsair>Shinobi builds are on the KR server besides Hoplite?

or u get hoplite c2 for spear lunge (doubles dmg of pierce, good for shinobi and corsair) or u get sword 3 for restrain. but sowrd 2 or barbarian 2 are bad, they are good if u go c3 but bad c2

Or meybe: sword -> hlander c3 ; What do u think ?

better go pelt>hop2 cus corsair and shinobi skills are mostly pierce and u can use spear lunge to double dmg

Why do u prefer pelt, i dont see any skills or attributes prefer good for shinobi build ? I think sword c2 is better than pelt.

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After trying Swordsman C2, I don’t think I want it – the Restrain 5 doesn’t activate enough to be worth it

So I could just do Swordsman>Pel>Hop2>Corsair2>Shinobi, but I don’t think 1h spear is fun. I hate Stabbing especially, it’s so clunky. I already leveled a Hoplite.

I wanted to create a Corsair-Shinobi that uses blades instead of spears.

I’m still wondering if there’s anything I could do Swordsman X3 > (???) > Corsair x2 > Shinobi that might be good.

pelt for hp+25%
barbarian for stun and + crit rate
roladero for defence things.
I suggest u pelt or roladero as shinobi is a weak class so having more def tools would be interesting.
You can swap to sword/shield for pelt/roladero skills.

I’m Sword C3-Barb C1-Corsair C1.

I have some pretty good burst damage so far from double slash,helm cracker, and cleave. But it’s a long down time between the rotation. If you go Sword- Highlander-Barb 2- Corsair you may have a funner rotation.

Swords C3 - is mainly for 40% restrain, pain barrier, double slash*

Double slash works with shinobi bunshins.

Depends on your stat build but im going full dps. Just enough con to keep me alive. So if unless you want to be a high hp tanky ninja, skip the peltasta.

Can I ask, how exactly Shinobi is unlocked? I’ve looked all over the internet and I don’t see where or how. I understand it isn’t till rank 6 or 7, but please tell me HOW. The reason I ask is b/c I don’t wanna be building my character and realize I missed whatever chance to unlock. Someone please tell me.

You’ve looked all over eh. Your skills of deduction are lacking for a ninja.

If you had searched the forum for ‘shinobi quest’ and tried the second result, you would have got it. good luck, just think it’s a quest before a quest.

while hoplite is nice for bonus piercing damage hoplite removes the need for dex and dex= clone hp without dex clones die to a fart so they will never do anything. im a fan of the c2 swordie c2 barb version personally

Pretty much the generic for Corsair C2>Shinobi is Sword>Pelt>Hop>HopC2>Corsair>CorsairC2>Shinobi

Personally I hate using spears and the Hoplite class, so I’ve decided to go Sword>Pelt>Barb>Barb C2>Corsair>Corsair C2 (Rank 7 undecided)

agree for diferent reasons tho hoplite n finestra doesnt synergize well with clones they have literally 2k hp without dex. hoplite= low dex

after more investigation it looks like Shinobis get swordsman C3 so their clones can do the double slash?

thats the gimick but they do it when you do it
so means you would have to use double slash. they also kunai when you do so normal is to clones double kunai and then autoattack since they will autoattack to

I dont see the point in being high dex just so your clones can have high HP if it’s a 49 second cd

Probably going sword3 hop2 dop1 shinobi now that I understand the clones

because they die before they do anything so may as well not have them