Tree of Savior Forum

December 12th, 2017: Bug/Glitches/Etc. compilation

reset voucher and multitoken cant be taken out from storage

@Wooshin Could you provide some screenshots or a short video about this? If we have some visual proof it helps to highlight the issue directly, sadly I have no Druid so I can’t do that for you. :frowning:

@messianic99 Same as above, it would be great if you could provide a screenshot about this, so I can update the original post in a more complete way. :slight_smile:

[C1 Attribute] Faena: Risk-taking isn’t available for Matador while it should be already implemented.

Restoration (Paladin) won’t refresh the buff duration unless you change map or channel. Also, after it finish the duration you still don’t get the buff if you cast again the skill. Tested with SP Recovery attribute turned off and the same thing happen.

Using Statue of Goddess Laima (Diev) causes skills tooltips to be incorrect. For instance Smite has 9s cd, with Laima (-20% cd) it becomes 7s but the tooltip shows 5s.

I’m not seeing the Appraiser identify bug in the list, was it fixed?

I’m compiling the list, of course it’s not complete yet, if you have bugs to report, link them here and I’ll update the original post

plague doctor 3’s methadone skill description is misleading. it insinuates you’re going to be dealing bonus damage, but instead you’re going to RECEIVE an increased damage.

Knockback, Knockdown Immunityand casting uninterrupted effects are given to me and my party members. Damage to enemies increases by 20%.

Missing drops like Andesium and Ionium from missions and Manahas gloves from Cyaria.

The hidden quest for Miko is also bugged. The spirits that are supposed to randomly appear don’t.

I made a post about Miko spirit not spawning and opened a ticket yesterday

Manahas spirit bug

Got this as a answer in my ticket:

We do apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.

Our development team is already aware of the issue and are currently looking into it. We can only ask for your patience and kind understanding while the investigation is on-going.


i got the same response but my tiket was talking about the gytis appraiser flower,the shinobi one also are not spawnig

@fayt_akashi Shinobi and Appraiser issue has already been addressed in the original post

@tiagofox Thanks, I will add your link under the Shinobi/Appraiser one!

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Did it get fixed in this maintenance?

Raid portal stone recipe cannot be put in team storage now, even though you could last week. Not sure if bug or a feature because tradeability is no longer highlighted. It’s a bit of a pain to store the materials instead of the recipe lol.

Alright thank you for clearing that up, I thought I stored it as a recipe before but I might’ve misremembered

One thing you can do is store all challenge cubes in team storage and open all your cubes on one character so it’s easier to keep track of your stone recipes and mats.


Hello @RyogoKusama,

Thank you for raising the issues of typos and mistranslated texts, Methadone & Vendetta’s tool-tips should have been corrected from today’s maintenance, the descriptions for Rank9 Classes has also been corrected across the board. I am not 100% sure on Vendetta’s Skill Factor returning however, so if you can clarify this one again for me that would be great. Changes will be made so that the Punish/Zornhau tool-tips are corrected, and thanks for spotting them. In the case of Laima’s CD, that seems to be a tool-tip updating related issue in which i can’t really help with.

If you happen to spot any further inconsistencies within the English client which can include Item Descriptions, Skill/Quest & Dialogue etc. descriptors, if you could kindly post the new issues within in a new topic in the Translation Section of the forums :
[ Translation Section ]

It will be seen by somebody and acknowledged slightly faster than in some condensed information threads. (Primarily due to it being a pin-pointed issue)
Or alternatively, if necessary find somebody who can send the message over to a Translation Project member. This applies not exclusively to tool-tips but anything in the game, so please spread the word if you can. :slight_smile:

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@Kihseki Yeah I confirm the recipes were not tradeable last week, you can trade the item crafted or like they suggested, it’s better store the cubes themselves. :slight_smile:

@Gwenyth I checked in-game and Methadone has been corrected, but Punish/Zornhau/Vendetta still have the same issue /typos and missing text) if I find anything else I will report them directly in that forum section then!

Manahas spirit still bugged or has it been fixed with the current maintenance?

Not a single spawn in Silute, still running around to keep it checked.

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