Tree of Savior Forum

Dear Telsial players, rejoice

What this mean is there won’t be new BOT when f2p launch. That is until IMC decided to open Telsial server again, which I reckon would be in a few months. Which means, WE’RE FREE! FREEDOM FROM THE BOTS!


free from what?

Free from friends who have been waiting so long to play…

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Few months of not needing to report bot on every cleric I see.

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Nope, bots are still rampant as it is.

The only thing I can see here is that, I will be stuck in Telsia being a forever alone and all of my hardwork will be useless because my friends who waited for F2P will play on the new server. Yep. So Great.

If by chance IMC will hear us, please have a Telsia -> Varena Server Transfer.

yes and no.

yup, so population from telsai could be halved

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LOL. What this mean is RMT can’t create new bot account on Telsial. What are you worried about, Telsial will be open again in a few months and then it’ll be the no 1 server again. Who the hell gonna move to the new server where there are unlimited amounts of bots. Oh btw, screw you guys with your plebs f2p friends that can’t join you in Telsial. All my friends are in a guild and we’re more than happy with this news. You can go on and transfer(if it is implemented), I’m pretty sure the rest of us are happy when RMT unable to make new account on this server for a few months.

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Nope, I beg to differ. There are only fractions of you guys that whine on “my f2p plebs won’t be able to join me”, the rest of us will be fine since everyone are already on the server, and the plus side is there won’t be any new bots in the server for a pretty long time.

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This actually means that more low level player will be transferring to the new server. And guess what, there will be only high level player left in the server, no one will be farming cheap mat anymore.

Inflation incoming.

EA 10/10. Everything goes as expected. Good job imc.


LOL. The server will be TEMPORARILY exclusive. Read that word, TEMPORARILY. We’ll be free from bots for a few months, then it’ll open up again to f2p. There’s really nothing to worry about here, except that we can enjoy the game without bots for a few months.

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It’s Temporary only.
I guess just like 3-4 days, then Telsiai will open for everyone.

A few month is enough to destroy the server, a few weeks is still okay though.

ughh when did I whine? dont lump me with them :frowning:

I’d rather have the game B2P.

and it seems you didnt understand what I said.

I wish it would be few months, but in reality it’ll only be few weeks. Still, its better that way since RMT will be focusing on the new server, and when Telsial is opened again we might get the lesser of the devil since they’ve allocated time on the new server.

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And you don’t even know a single point of this thread.


Why? I didnt post your picture here and pretty sure I understand this thread, you’re the one who bitched. And I wouldnt use the word “retarded”, it shows how uneducated you are.

and the phrase is “… so it MAKES you look more retarted” and “a single point” is redundant since single already means one.

you probably are uneducated, pleb.

Elitism at its best, does not realize that while Telsiai bots may be cleared while the server is exclusive, they will still come back even more so when Telsiai opens up to f2p users… Seek solution that leads to permanence not some fabricated bot solution…