Tree of Savior Forum

Dear fellow Alchemists :

Please stop listing thousands and thousands of pots at lower prices, continuously dropping them. It’s ultimately hurting yourself too when the prices keep falling. I understand you want to list lower so your pots sell, but please at least do so with smaller amounts of pots so you don’t create a wall and prevent the price from ever rising again.

Please also pay attention to what pot level you are listing to compete with. Earlier today, someone listed 3.7k lv10 pots at a lower price to compete with… lv5 pots. I doubt the lv5 pots hurt the sales of your lv10 pots much, and I’d think lowering the price that much for your 3.7k pots would be much more harmful to your own profit as well. If you are this person, please cancel your listing and relist at a higher price. I’m sure they’ll sell fine, even at the same price as the lv5s.

I stopped reading here.
children really do not understand what is supply and demand?

Unfortunately, there’s not really a price floor and pot prices will drop very rapidly if people keep doing so. It’s up to the alchemist community to not let the prices crash and burn. Seeing as how some people offer player shop services at negative profit, not realizing they’re doing so, I doubt pot prices will even stop at 0 profit.

What? Is this suggesting collusion? …Shhhh I don’t think it’s illegal within a game.

Ideally, IMC would just change how the marketplace puts listings in order. If they make the newest listing first instead of the oldest, or randomize it each time (for items with the same price) people wouldn’t feel as much need to push prices down.

Well… give it up. :smiley: I am an alchemist c2 too and now i less likely make pots anymore. I just craft for guildmates and friends. I rather use that lot of crafting time go and level a new dps character and hunt item for earning would be better. IMC hate crafting class too much. Dont put your faith on them.

Keep it up, make them lower!

Competition is always healthy for your buyers, lol.

on a serious note,

You gotta start the blame on afk sorcs in bee farm, after that rank 5 it is very likely that they will pick alch. Now you have more sorc-alchs in the game.

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Perhaps it’s the bot controller that is lowering the price. The bots collect the ingredient, bot controller make the potions and sell them low on market?

I like it low. I remember doing clericless dungeons when there were still no alchemists on server.

Bonfire is cancer.