Tree of Savior Forum

Darvaken Kuroyami - Dark Overlord build(requesting feedback)

Made a warlock build for upcoming obt and would like feedback to discuss about how to improve it (if possible)

It… doesn’t look bad really, personally PiroC2/Linker will never convince me but I get why people do it.
I’d recomend a point in Lethargy for it’s atribute, it’s pretty good specially in party play.
Put a point off Physical Link and give Hangman’s another second of bind, no one likes to be Physical Linked anyways.
Personaly I’m not sure if getting SUmmon Familiar that high is as good as having a better Salamion, at Lv7 it gets directly stronger from your INT and in Lv10 it even ets a 30% from your INT, and of course it last a very long while making the SP usage of sumoning it more manageable (specially if you get it’s atributes).
Mastema sadly isn’t very good, on the other hand the spirit thingies you get from Invocation and Dark Surge recieved a buff recently which increases the ammount of hits they deal by the level of the skill so Invocation can be really good when mobing large ammounts of mobs, with a Peltasta it works wonders.

do you know if lethargy work on bosses?was thinking of maybe dropping sleep for lethargy as im not really into pvp

and summon familiar pretty op,10k dmg total at lvl 10,and so far ive only seen
300-500 hit from sala in vids

and thank you for the advice about invocation,will try to upgrade my build according to this,do you know if we will get buff at release though?:o(also being sceptic about how this could be used in a boss situation,since you wont have mobs to get spirits from 90% of the time)

I don’t remember if it does, but 1 point in lethargy is more than enough as it’s duration doesn’t increase and the debuff itself sucks, the atribute is the only reason you get it.
Well, Familiar does have an enhance atribute, this is pretty important.
May I ask for your videos? Because as far as the hard data goes a hit from a Lv10 Familiar should hit less than a smack from a Lv10 Salamion, remember that the thing with Salamion is that once it’s out it’ll jsut run around smacking things for you with your INT on top of it’s own strenght.

Yeah generally in bosses you wouldn’t get that much done with Dark Surge, but most of the content is mobbing anyways and even in bosses Mastema is a very close range skill, which can create issuess.

We are close to patch day actually, so who knows if Warlock or Sorcerer gets a buff of some sort on it.

you summon 10 bats,and in every single vid i saw they hit 900-1000 each

That much I know, Familiar uses your Magical Attack directly suposedly. Salamion needs to be Lv7 to get 100% of your INT on top of it’s own strenght.
THere’s also the question of how many times will the Salamion smack an enemy on it’s duration, and how the time it is out and the times it attacks correlates to the SP consumption to summoning it too.
There’s more to it than just ‘‘How hard and fast can I smack something’’, the bats will always do the same damage regardless of level, so it’s up to how many you want at a time.

for me Salamion deal neglectable damage and it is just single target aa.
i only use for decoy. Every Sorc i fought in arena max bat.

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how can you call yourself a dark overlord and use a strong source of light like fire :yum:

The more bats you have out the more enemies will try to kill you xD

and C2 will let you control the last thing summoned…

I will poke you around later in iobt to see if all the crazy stuff I created on icbt2 still work :smiley:

You know, sometimes (and by sometimes I mean always) forget that the AI on these things isn’t the greatest.