Tree of Savior Forum

Dark Theurge IMBA?

as i can see from this skill sim website dark theurge @ lvl 15 does 914% dmg and hits x5 ?
idk how things work at the moment, lots has probably change from my 6 months hibernation
but if i sum all of the dmg , casting dark theu and throwing them with evil sacrifice on a single target ,
would that target receive 4570% total dmg ? hell throw in the dmg boosts too from its attribute which double the hits, dmg boost from drain , fear debuff. man you can kill velcoffer in 1 skill rotation.

need feedback on this, i wanna test but im out of resets

IMC put a rank reset in TP shop already, or why not give 1 reset every week


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Nah your brain is in the right place, it came up with an idea and was ok to admits it mistake…

Keep your brain :wink:

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No, that is not good or very high%. Other skills do a lot more total%, and ofc not kill velcoffer superfast.

Nowadays Dark Theurge is at LvL 1 and used in combo with Drain to give a instant and permanent 50% (or more) dmg buff for all Warlock skills.

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Exactly that. Clearly you won’t kill Velcoffer in one rotation… but one Demon Scratch with high MATK and Dark Theurge + Drain combo is often enough to oneshot bosses in Saalus missions for example.

May I hijack this for a second? How does Drain work? Bonus attack, like chappa, or additional property damage, like blessing?

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none of the above
50% (Lv.5) bonus damage when using dark-type skills

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Even better, then. I was assuming a worst-case scenario that Drain only gave additional property attack since I’ll try speccing into Warlock once we get resets. Thanks.

thanks everyone, for the feedbacks, i thought itd be a prime nuke skill now
soo masterama is still the best dps or nuke skill for warlock, i dont like the demon scrath, the animations is really slow, i want something that casts quick and hits hard ( maxed it anyway since its a c3 skill )
now i wonder what would be the ideal r10 class for the ele lock ?

In another discussion, a couple of us suggested Featherfoot. The primary reason for this would be the curse debuff provided by Kuradaitcha and Bone Pointing. Curse increases Dark Prop. Damage by +50% so you can imagine it would be pretty powerful when combined with other Warlock skills.

Otherwise you can go Warlock2 > Shadowmancer2 since you said that you don’t like Demon Scratch (you’re not the only one, don’t worry). This way you could get more Dark Property skills + the Drain bonus I asked earlier.

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Demon Scratch is better than Mastema. The only problem is to trigger it properly to maximize its damage.

That’s the question I’m asking myself… I would say RC for Rune of Protection, Rune of Ice (remember that Hail will be MASSIVELY nerfed in r10, so you’d need something to counterbalance the damage loss) and Rune of Destruction (filler when all your skills are on cooldown).

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Rune of Justice can do double damage on targets hit by mastema. Plus, double hits against demons and +50% damage against Dark element, which are the massive part of the monsters. I consider it to be a viable skill now.
I don’t see much appeal on Rune of Ice since its cooldown is so long and damage was nerfed a while ago to only 50%. But, yes, it is an option too.
I have one RC-WL3, but it is with cryo2, not elementalist. I mainly use destruction, protection when the time calls, and justice when meeting monsters with the characteristcs listed above. Cryo’s skill factors% are so low, it doesn’t do much even with Rune of Ice on, so I switched it for Rune of Protection. It was so much better when it used to raise 200% of damage tho.

Yes, you get nice boosts against some monsters, but the base multiplier is way too low. Also it’s like Demon Scratch, very hard to target. I guess you can put one point for another filler skill, warlocks can clearly use extra skills to cast while their primary skills are on cooldown.

With rank 10, you won’t have much choice. Hail is your main boss destroyer skill, and it will be nerfed big time.
Before: 1 hit per 0.1 sec, 1067% when maxed. After: 1 hit per 0.2 sec, 451% when maxed. Your damage output with Hail will be reduced by 80%! So an extra 50% will be much welcome…
And the cooldown isn’t too problematic, as you get 150s duration with 200s cooldown at level 5.

So let’s say: Ice and Protection 5/5, Destruction 4/5 and Justice 1/5. Should work fine…

why cant you guys just go onmyoji, rather than settling with low lvl classes.
the synergy wont be that much significant if choosing RC, or r6 below classes

Most r8 classes are balanced for use at ranks 8-10. Onmyoji circle 1 would bring little to an elelock, unless you are using some hybrid build like ele3-wlk1-onmy3 or ele3-wlk2-onmy2. I would definitely not choose a low rank class for rank 10 with an elelock, but RC seems appropriate as a filler standalone rank.

Another choice I could consider is sorc1 for the grimoire, but would be difficult to balance stat wise (1:1:1 INT/CON/SPR?)

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Using RoJ, you can move while charging, and it’s a straight line. Way easier than Scratch.

50s duration for 140s, actually.

Hail’s cooldown is 45s. In most cases, you won’t be able to cast 2 Hails while Rune of Ice is active. But could work with some cooldown reduction skills from party members.